Page 61 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 61

Unit 2  32
                                                  Unit 2
          B  Read, Check, and Write  1  42
                 Judy and John are in Taipei. Today, they are going   1.˜in + ̹۬א਷࢕™ڌͪ˜ίݔɓ̹۬
            to visit Kaohsiung. They want to take the train at 7:40.  א਷࢕™dԷνjMy grandma lives in
                 Oh, no! It's 7:00. Judy and John are still at Taipei 101.
            How can they get to the train station on time?
                                                         2. take˜ภ࠱€ʹஷʈՈ™dԷνjI take
                       from             to                  a bus home every day.˜Ңӊ˂ேภʮԓ
                                                            Ϋ࢕f™dϤ̩จΝ׵ I go home by bus
                    6 minutes    30 minutes                 every day.f
          (            )
                7 : 00
                                                         3. on time˜๟ࣛ™f
                                                         4. ል୦͉ఊʩఊοʿ̩ۨf
                    4 minutes     42 minutes
          (            )
                7 : 00
                    5 minutes     50 minutes
          (            )
                7 : 00

                 Judy and John can get to the metro station
              on foot
                                   , and they can get to the train station
              by metro
                     Kaohsiung 高雄;take 搭乘;still 仍然;station 車站;
                     on time 準時; 從……到……  32

           3. ઺ࢪႭ׼˴൚ၾпਗ൚ can ίਪഈ̩ʕٙЗໄᜊʷj
              a. ਪ̩jcan + ˴൚

              b. ഈ̩j˴൚ + can
           4. ሗኪ͛༊ഹл͜ὁ͍ܳ̈ᆽ̩ٙɿdԷνj You   can  get   there   by bus .f
           5. Read, Write, and Say:

              a. ˏኬኪ͛ᝈ࿀ྡ˪d፯̈ঐ׵ࣛගʫ๟ࣛת༺༈ήᓃٙʹஷ˙όf
              b. ሗኪ͛޶ྡҁϓɨ˙ᇖ୦ᕚd෬ɝ̩ɿʕॹ٤ٙο൚f
              c. ࣨ࿁ഈࣩdൖኪ͛ኪ୦ცࠅᑺ༆f


           1. ઺ࢪ׵ලؐɪ೥ɓࡈ 4 x 4 ༷ٙᏕࣸdʱމ AeBeCeD ̬ଡ଼ఊοd༷Ꮥࣸʫٙఊο̥Ϟ
             ઺ࢪٝ༸dԷνj            A1 B1 C1 D1            I       home     by train    can
                                 A2 B2 C2 D2           we      hospital  on foot     how
                                 A3 B3 C3 D3           he      library    by car    there
                                 A4 B4 C4 D4          she      school    by bike    get to
           2. ৪ͪఊὁd΢ଡ଼วഈਮ͍̈ᆽఊοf
           3. วഈϓ̌ٙʃଡ଼̙ܿ፯ՇࡈʔΝଡ଼й༷ٙᏕࣸd׵ɧɤ߆ʫ˸༷ᏕࣸʕٙՇࡈఊοி̈ɓ

             ࡈ̩ɿу̙੻ʱdԷνj€Group 1 ፯኿༷Ꮥࣸ A1 ձ C3
             Group 1: I can get to Kaohsiung by car.€Group 1 ᐏ੻ɓʱ
           4. ୕ࠇ੻ʱd੻ʱ௰৷ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f
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