Page 59 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 59
Unit 2
4. ҁϓܝdࢪ˸̩ۨਪഈdΌफɓৎࣨ࿁ഈࣩfᇍԷνɨj
T: We are at home. Can we get to the supermarket by bike in 15 minutes?
Ss: Yes, we can.
T: We are at the supermarket. Can we get to the zoo by bus in 20 minutes?
Ss: No, we can’t. We can get there by metro.
1. ࢪίලؐɪᄳɨɓʮఙה̙Դ͜ୋʞ̅ኪ୦ཀٙʮఙהΤ၈jzooeparke
tea shopelibraryebookstoreepost officeesupermarketehospitalf
2. ኪ͛፯ɓ၇ۃֻ༈ఙהٙʹஷ˙όdԨᄳίॷૢɪf
3. ሗΌफኪ͛ࣅഹІʉٙॷૢdၾΝኪආБਪഈfݺਗᇍԷj
ࢪܸ֛ʮఙהމ post officedS1 ॷૢᄳɨ by bike
S1: Can we get to the post office by bike?
S2: No, we can’t. We can get there on foot.ৣ࿁̰dS1 ᘱᚃၾՉ˼ኪ͛ආБਪഈ
S1: Can we get to the post office by bike?
S3: Yes, we can.ৣ࿁ϓ̌dS1 ʿ S3 ʝί࿁˙ٙॷૢɪᖦΤ
4. ࠢࣛɧʱᙒd༷ᏕഐҼf୕ࠇᖦΤdᐏ௰ε࠱٫ᖦΤٙኪ͛ᐏ௷f
活動建議:城市探險隊 ̙ᅂΙᕚࢫΈဿ Unit 2 ኪ୦ఊԴ͜
1. ࢪ௪̹۬ኪ୦ఊd೯ഗኪ͛ӊɛɓੵf
2. ࢪ৪ͪήᓃʿʹஷ˙όὁ੭ჯΌफል୦ఊοdԨਗ਼ὁ൨ίලؐɪf
3. ሗኪ͛፯̬ࡈήᓃʿ̬၇ʹஷ˙όdʱй෬ɝᓃձৎᓃٙ˙ࣸʕf
4. ࢪႭ༩ᇞணࠇۆjኪ͛ضഹኪ୦ఊɪٙൈᇞڌࣸ̈ྼːᇞૢdྼːᇞૢу
注意 ዑᇞʔ̙ዑ༨൳Շᙷf
5. ҁϓܝdਗ਼ኪ͛ʱމՇɛɓଡ଼dቃݴ˸࿁˙ٙආБ༷Ꮥdِ፯ৎᓃʿᓃܝ
S1 ፯ٙৎᓃձᓃމ by bus ʿ library
S1: Can I get to the library by bus?
S1 ৎᓃ by bus ̈೯d௰ܝՑ༺ᓃމ zoo
S2: No, you can’t.S1 ͊ʱ
6. ൖኪࣛගආБᅰϣd௰ܝᆤᎸଡ଼ʱ༰৷ٙኪ͛f
六 回家作業
ሗኪ͛Ϋ˸ CDאኪ͜ཥɿࣣᛓᛘሙ͉ୋ 21-30 ࠫdᆞ͉ሙఊοe݂ԫ࿁༑ʿ̩ۨf