Page 54 - 高年級 eSTAR 7 備課用書
P. 54
一 暖身活動 5 分鐘
1. ࢪၾኪ͛ʝ͂םխdԷνjT: Hi, everyone. Ss: Hello, Miss/Ms./Mr. .
T: How’s the weather? Ss: It’s sunny.f
2. 單字複習:
a. ࢪᅧ׳݂ԫኬᛘࠪᏦሗԴ͜ཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛˺୩ᛓf
b. ሗኪ͛˺ᝈ࿀ሙ͉ୋ 23 ࠫዚఙঘफ༟ৃf
注意 ࢪႭjঘफڌʕהᜑͪٙήᓃމዚఙהί̹ٙ۬dڢΤ၈f
c. ࢪ̂ঘफ༟ৃʕٙοคj
1 arrivals ת༺फዚ 5 arrived ʊת༺
2 flight no. फዚᇜ 6 cancelled ʊ՟ऊ
3 gate ೮ዚژ 7 delayed Ⴌᓃ
4 remarks ௪ൗ
d. ሗኪ͛༊ഹႭ̈ঘफ༟ৃʕ̹ٙ۬ЗίࡳࡈjLondon, the UKߵࡐe
Paris, FranceجˋኇeNew York, the USAߕॲߒeTokyo, Japan
˚͉؇ԯeHong Kong, Chinaʕ࠰ಥeIncheon, Koreaᒵʠʇe
Beijing, Chinaʕ̏ԯeSydney, Australiaዦݲૣf
二 故事教學 20 分鐘 CD1 36-37
Story Time
1. ࢪᅧ׳ CDאᅧ׳ཥɿࣣdሗኪ͛˺୩ᛓ݂ԫ࿁༑f
2. ᛓҁܝdˏኬኪ͛Ⴍ̈הᛓՑ݂ٙԫ࿁༑ʕٙࠠᓃ̩ɿdאᔊႭ̈࿁༑݂ԫɽจf
3. ࢪ̙͜ਪᕚˏኬኪ͛Ⴍ݂̈ԫɽจfਪᕚᇍԷj
1 Where are Prince Bruce and Fred from? (They’re from London, the UK.)
2 Is Miss Wu’s Bakery in Taoyuan? (No, it isn’t. It’s in Taipei.)
3 Can they get to Taipei by metro? (Yes, they can.)
4 Can passengers eat on the metro? (No, they can’t.)
5 How can Prince Bruce and Fred get to Taipei 101? (They can get there by bus.)
6 Is Miss Wu’s Bakery near Taipei 101? (Yes, it is.)
7 How can they get to Miss Wu’s Bakery? (They can get there on foot or by bike.)
4. ࢪ੭ჯኪ͛ቡᛘ݂ԫdႭ̩จdᜫኪ͛ə༆݂ԫʫ࢙fሗਞϽۃࠫኪႭ
5. 聽單字:̙મʱଡ଼אࡈɛ
a. ሗኪ͛ਗ਼ሙ͉ϗৎdࢪΎϣᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛Ύᛓɓϣ݂ԫ࿁༑f
b. ሗኪ͛াɨ݂ԫʕה̈ତٙఊʩʹஷ˙όΤ၈jby metroeby buseon footeby bikef
c. ঐ͍ᆽᄳ̈௰ε࿁༑ʕה̈ତʹஷ˙όΤ၈ٙʃଡ଼ᐏ௷f
6. ሗኪ͛͂කሙ͉dࢪᅧ׳ CDdሗኪ͛༧ᛘ࿁༑̩ɿԨΝࣛ͜˓ܸܸഹ݂ԫ࿁༑˖οf
7. ࢪΎϣ੭ਮ݂ԫ࿁༑dԨሗኪ͛ίࣦᛘࣛءจႧंeႧሜձᑊࠪڌઋ༧ഹ݂ԫઋྤձ