Page 33 - Unleasing Your Social Media Potential
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To facilitate this process, we kindly request your review of the sample survey and any suggestions for changes or additions. A customized survey will then be tailored to your specific requirements, and we will provide you with detailed instructions on how to engage your stakeholders in participating.
Consider implementing strategies such as allocating 5 minutes at the beginning of practice for student-athletes to complete the survey, displaying the QR code on the front door of school board meetings, encouraging participation during study hall sessions, discussing the survey at faculty meetings, and prominently displaying a poster with the survey information at the school entry (we can provide the necessary graphics for printing).
By actively involving your stakeholders and utilizing these strategies, we can gather valuable insights and feedback to shape future improvements and ensure that the athletic program meets the evolving needs and expectations of the community.
We need you to provide some representation of your stakeholder groups for the workshop meeting. It will be 2 hours. We can schedule at a time that works for your community. We can also make components of the workshop as a recording and ask for input to be sent separately.
Suggestion might be 5pm after school--or a Saturday morning.
The idea would be to do it before your sports seasons really start so that there are no conflict with games.
It is not really necessary to involve more than a good representation of your stakeholders. Please choose from these and include as many people as you can who will help the process of the workshop. However, ideally a workshop should not be too many people, so do not blanket invitation everyone. Please hand select the appropriate people whom you believe will contribute the most to the effort.
Here is a suggested list of stakeholder communities.
Students: Student-athletes are a significant stakeholder community as they actively participate in the athletic pro- grams, represent the school, and benefit from the physical and social development opportunities provided by sports.
Parents and Families: Parents and families of student-athletes have a vested interest in the athletic programs as they support and cheer for their children. They often attend games, provide encouragement, and may be involved in fundraising or volunteering for the program.
School Administration and Faculty: The school administration, including principals, athletic directors, and coach- es, plays a crucial role in overseeing and managing the athletic programs. They ensure compliance with regulations, allocate resources, and provide guidance and support to student-athletes.
Alumni: Alumni who have participated in the school’s athletic programs may maintain a strong connection and support the program through mentorship, donations, attending events, or providing networking opportunities for current student-athletes. and Design ©2023 All Rights Reserved. ( 33 )

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