Page 35 - Unleasing Your Social Media Potential
P. 35

Refreshment Break (15 minutes)
Best Practices for Social Media Content (30 minutes)
• Explore effective content creation strategies for social media platforms, considering the unique aspects of high school athletics.
• Discuss the importance of visual appeal, storytelling, and consistent branding in social media posts.
• Provide examples of engaging content formats, such as videos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and athlete spot-
Engaging Stakeholders and Community Building (30 minutes)
• Share strategies for engaging different stakeholder groups, including students, parents, alumni, and community members.
• Discuss techniques for fostering two-way communication, encouraging user-generated content, and promoting a sense of community through social media.
• Brainstorm ideas for collaborative initiatives and involvement of stakeholders in the content creation process.
Action Planning and Next Steps (15 minutes)
• Guide participants in developing an action plan to help to enhance the program’s social media efforts, consider- ing the insights gained during the workshop.
• Encourage participants to set specific goals, assign responsibilities (as appropriate), and establish a timeline for implementation.
• Discuss ongoing support and resources available to assist participants in implementing their action plans. Workshop Conclusion
Workshop participants will be asked to please take the action item to send any thoughts they may have afterwards to us for inclusion in our presentation for the outcomes of the workshop.
As you have journeyed through this book, we trust that you now have a clearer understanding of the value we can bring to your program. Our level of assistance can be tailored precisely to your needs, whether you require minimal support or a comprehensive social media strategy. If you find yourself not quite ready to delve into a full strategy, perhaps your focus is on enhancing the visual appeal of your graphics, and that is where your investment lies. Alter- natively, you may prefer our collaboration to empower your team, with us designing templates for your employees to utilize. Whichever path suits your requirements best, we are committed to being your reliable partner. Please don’t hesitate to reach out, and let’s initiate a fruitful discussion to determine the most suitable approach moving forward.
Jerry Saulman and Design ©2023 All Rights Reserved. ( 35 )

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