Page 34 - Unleasing Your Social Media Potential
P. 34

Fans and Community Members: The wider community, including local residents, fans, and supporters, forms an important stakeholder group. They attend games, provide enthusiastic support, and contribute to the overall spirit and atmosphere surrounding the athletic programs.
Sponsors and Donors: Businesses, organizations, or individuals who sponsor or donate to the athletic programs are stakeholders as they contribute financial resources or in-kind support. They may seek visibility, brand recognition, or community involvement through their sponsorship.
Media and Press: Local media outlets, journalists, and reporters are stakeholders who cover and promote the school’s athletic events. Their coverage helps increase awareness, build reputation, and provide recognition to the athletes and the program.
You will be asked to provide a venue for the workshop. It could be a classroom or meeting room at the school. Welcome and Introductions (15 minutes)
• Greet participants and provide a brief overview of the workshop objectives and agenda.
• Allow time for attendees to introduce themselves and share their roles in the athletics program’s social media
Importance of Effective Social Media for High School Athletics (15 minutes)
• Discuss the significance of social media in promoting the athletics program, engaging stakeholders, and building a strong community presence.
• Highlight successful examples of social media campaigns from other schools or organizations.
Understanding Stakeholder Perspectives (30 minutes)
• Facilitate a discussion to identify the diverse stakeholder groups involved in the athletics program’s social media efforts.
• Encourage participants to share their insights, experiences, and challenges in engaging their respective stakehold- er communities.
Assessing Current Social Media Practices (30 minutes)
• Guide participants in evaluating the current social media strategies and platforms utilized by the athletics pro- gram.
• Discuss key metrics, such as engagement, reach, and follower growth, to assess the effectiveness of current prac- tices.
• Share tips and tools for tracking social media analytics and gathering feedback from stakeholders. and Design ©2023 All Rights Reserved. ( 34 )

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