Page 20 - ATBH2023 - Doha Qatar - Sergio König Presentation Interdisciplinary
P. 20
Before After Before Despues p-value of the Binomial Distribution
RIPLS Results Table of Statistical Significance Analysis of the Estimación de p Before Estimación de p After Statistically Significant Distribution under the Null
RIPLS Instrument applied before and after the Totally agree Neutral In disagreement Strongly disagree Totally agree Neutral In disagreement Strongly disagree Negative Negative Positive Variatión Negative Variatión Tamaño de la Muestra 1, n1 Tamaño de la Muestra 2, n2 Positive Before, x1 Positive After, x2 Difference at 5% Significance p-value of the Binomial Hypothesis of Equality P(X1 <= x1|p) P(X2 >= x2|p)
Interprofessional Learning Readiness Scale DIMENSION Intervention. Agree Agree Positive Positive Orden
Learning with other students helps me be a more
effective member of the team. 20 24 18 12 - 45 36 6 4 - 74 91 44 81 0,59 0,89 Yes 0,76 0,12% 0,14% 4ta
44 12 81 4 84% -67%
2 In order for a small group to learn how to work, students
need to trust and respect each other. 70 20 9 - - 85 16 3 - - 99 104 90 101 0,91 0,97 No 0,94 14,01% 12,32% 10ma
Antes Después 3 Teamwork skills are essential for all students to be able 90 0 101 0 12% 0%
Mínimo 69 77 4 to learn. 30 32 12 6 1 65 32 3 - - 62 7 97 0 56% -100% 81 100 62 97 0,77 0,97 Yes 0,88 0,29% 0,15% 6ta
Shared learning helps me understand my own
Máximo 117 120 5 limitations. 5 40 27 4 - 65 28 6 - - 45 4 93 0 107% -100% 76 99 45 93 0,59 0,94 Yes 0,79 0,01% 0,00% 1ra
Patients will benefit if students work together to solve
Promedio 87 94 6 the patient's problems. 65 28 6 - - 95 8 3 - - 93 0 103 0 11% 0% 99 106 93 103 0,94 0,97 No 0,95 37,50% 21,81% 11va
Shared learning with other students increases my ability
Mediana 85,50 93,50 "Teamwork and collaboration" 9 de 11 to understand problems. 30 32 15 4 1 65 32 3 - - 62 5 97 0 56% -100% 82 100 62 97 0,76 0,97 Yes 0,88 0,14% 0,15% 5ta
Moda 86,00 92,00 7 Communication skills should be learned together with 20 36 12 10 - 80 20 - 2 - 56 10 100 2 79% -80% 78 102 56 100 0,72 0,98 Yes 0,88 0,01% 0,02% 2da
other students.
Des. 8 Shared learning helps me think positively about other 15 32 24 4 1 40 32 9 6 - 76 87 47 72 0,62 0,83 Yes 0,73 2,22% 2,31% 9na
Estándar 10,69 9,40 9 Shared learning with other students will help me 47 5 72 6 53% 20%
communicate better with patients and other 25 36 18 4 - 65 24 6 2 - 61 4 89 2 46% -50% 83 97 61 89 0,73 0,92 Yes 0,83 1,94% 1,05% 7ma
Changes in all indicators with 10 I would like to have the opportunity to work on projects 5 24 18 14 2 40 32 9 6 - 29 16 72 6 148% -63% 63 87 29 72 0,46 0,83 Yes 0,67 0,05% 0,08% 3ra
with small groups, together with other students.
11 Shared learning helps clarify the nature of patients' 20 52 12 2 - 65 32 - 2 - 86 99 72 97 0,84 0,98 Yes 0,92 0,82% 1,20% 8va
13/24 with Statistically Significant 12 I don't want to waste my time learning with other 15 24 9 14 3 10 16 6 14 7 72 2 97 2 35% 0% 65 53 39 26 0,60 0,49 Yes 0,56 0,69% 0,64% 3ra
students. .
differences 13 It is not beneficial for students to learn together 5 12 6 18 7 10 8 3 12 11 39 17 26 21 -33% 24% 48 44 17 18 0,35 0,41 No 0,38 41,75% 39,99% 7ma
18 23
17 25
students/professionals in my own discipline.
⚫ In teamwork and collaboration 9 14 Problem-solving skills should be learned only with 10 20 21 12 9 5 10 12 6 10 13 7 10 17 22 17 120% 0% 48 45 10 22 0,21 0,49 Yes 0,34 17,21% 14,61% 4ta
The role of nurses and therapists is primarily to provide
33 0,44 0,59
support to doctors.
out of 11 “Sense of professional identity” 4 de 8 16 There is little overlap between my role and that of other 10 8 36 10 1 5 16 30 10 2 25 17 33 17 32% 0% 65 63 18 21 0,28 0,33 No 0,31 33,43% 38,97% 6ta
students/healthcare professionals.
⚫ In Sense of Professional Identity 4 17 I would feel uncomfortable if a student/professional from 30 20 12 8 3 30 20 9 8 4 18 11 21 12 17% 9% 73 71 50 50 0,68 0,70 No 0,69 50,67% 45,44% 8va Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin hacer mención a la fuente © Copyright 2019
another healthcare career knew more about a subject than I
50 12
50 11
I have to acquire much more knowledge and skills than
out of 8 students/professionals of another health career. 25 20 33 2 - 50 24 9 6 - 45 2 74 6 64% 200% 80 89 45 74 0,56 0,83 Yes 0,71 0,35% 0,60% 2da
I'm unsure of what my role is as a student/professional.
25 16 24 8 1 15 4 24 14 3 41 9 19 17 -54% 89% 74 60 41 19 0,55 0,32 Yes 0,46 0,03% 0,04% 1ra
⚫ In Patient-Centered, there were no 20 I like to understand the patient's problem from their 45 44 6 - - 55 40 3 - - 95 98 89 95 0,94 0,97 No 0,95 33,91% 27,22% 2da
“Patient-centered” 0 de 5 22 When it's my turn to attend, I'll try to convey to my patients 80 16 3 - 1 90 4 6 - 1 96 1 94 1 -2% 0% 100 101 96 94 0,96 0,93 No 0,94 55,93% 43,09% 3ra
statistically significant changes 21 It's important for me to establish trust with my patients. 75 24 3 - - 95 8 3 - - 89 0 0 103 0 0 7% 0% 102 106 99 103 0,97 0,97 No 0,97 59,37% 60,64% 4ta
that I care.
It is important to think of the patient as a person in order to
11,06% 1ra
provide them with appropriate treatment.
In my profession, you need skills to interact and cooperate
with patients. 85 16 3 - - - 105 4 - - - - 101 0 109 0 8% 0% 104 109 101 109 0,97 1,00 No 0,98 1 100,00% 100,00% 5ta
110 1,00 1,00
Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) Escala adaptada por (Villagrán et all, 2022). 105 0 110 0 5% 0%
Contenidos y materiales docentes del Dr. Sergio A. König preparados y adaptados para el uso de sus cátedras