Page 22 - ATBH2023 - Doha Qatar - Sergio König Presentation Interdisciplinary
P. 22

Results of RIPLS

        Interprofessional Learning Readiness Scale

        Sense of professional identity

                   Table of Statistical Significance Analysis of the    Statistically Significant    p-value of the Binomial  Distribution under the Null   Hypothesis of Equality
                   RIPLS Instrument applied before and after the        Difference at 5%   Significance    P(X1 <= x1|p)    P(X2 >= x2|p)
      DIMENSION Intervention.                                                                    Orden
                   12  I don't want to waste my time learning with other
                       students.  .                                   Yes    0,56  0,69%  0,64%  3ra
           “Sense of professional identity”
                   13  It is not beneficial for students to learn together
                                                                       No    0,38  41,75%  39,99%  7ma
                   14  Problem-solving skills should be learned only with
                       students/professionals in my own discipline.   Yes    0,34  3,44%  2,76%  4ta
                   15  The role of nurses and therapists is primarily to provide   No  0,51  17,21%  14,61%  5ta
                 4 de 8  16  There is little overlap between my role and that of other   No  0,31  33,43%  38,97%  6ta
                       support to doctors.
                       students/healthcare professionals.

                   17  I would feel uncomfortable if a student/professional from
                       another healthcare career knew more about a subject than I   No  0,69  50,67%  45,44%  8va
                   18  I have to acquire much more knowledge and skills than
                       students/professionals of another health career.   Yes  0,71  0,35%  0,60% 2da                                                                                           Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin hacer mención a la fuente © Copyright 2019

                   19  I'm unsure of what my role is as a student/professional.
                                                                      Yes    0,46  0,03%  0,04%  1ra

   Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS)  Escala adaptada por (Villagrán  et all, 2022).
                                                                                                                            Contenidos y materiales docentes del Dr. Sergio A. König preparados y adaptados para el uso de sus cátedras
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