Page 21 - ATBH2023 - Doha Qatar - Sergio König Presentation Interdisciplinary
P. 21
Results of RIPLS
Interprofessional Learning Readiness Scale
Objective dimensions
Teamwork & Collaboration
Table of Statistical Significance Analysis of the Statistically Significant p-value of the Binomial Distribution under the Null Hypothesis of Equality
RIPLS Instrument applied before and after the Difference at 5% Significance P(X1 <= x1|p) P(X2 >= x2|p)
DIMENSION Intervention. Orden
1 Learning with other students helps me be a more
effective member of the team. Yes 0,76 0,12% 0,14% 4ta
2 In order for a small group to learn how to work, students
need to trust and respect each other. No 0,94 14,01% 12,32% 10ma
"Teamwork and collaboration"
3 Teamwork skills are essential for all students to be able
to learn. Yes 0,88 0,29% 0,15% 6ta
4 Shared learning helps me understand my own
limitations. Yes 0,79 0,01% 0,00% 1ra
5 Patients will benefit if students work together to solve
the patient's problems. No 0,95 37,50% 21,81% 11va
9 de 11 6 Shared learning with other students increases my ability Yes 0,88 0,14% 0,15% 5ta
to understand problems.
Communication skills should be learned together with
other students. Yes 0,88 0,01% 0,02% 2da Prohibida la reproducción total o parcial de este material sin hacer mención a la fuente © Copyright 2019
8 Shared learning helps me think positively about other
students. Yes 0,73 2,22% 2,31% 9na
9 Shared learning with other students will help me
communicate better with patients and other Yes 0,83 1,94% 1,05% 7ma
10 I would like to have the opportunity to work on projects
with small groups, together with other students. Yes 0,67 0,05% 0,08% 3ra
11 Shared learning helps clarify the nature of patients'
problems. Yes 0,92 0,82% 1,20% 8va
Readiness for Interprofessional Learning Scale (RIPLS) Escala adaptada por (Villagrán et all, 2022).
Contenidos y materiales docentes del Dr. Sergio A. König preparados y adaptados para el uso de sus cátedras