Page 6 - Quarterly Financial Report 2020
P. 6


                The  following  summarises  ZKDW  LV  SUHGLFWHG  as  DQ  DYHUDJH  IRU  WKH  EHJLQQLQJ  RI  Q   2020  results

                                                      Cash Summary
                                                       Capricorn Caves
                                         For the month ended 31 October 2020 Sales is
                                                          EXCL GST

                                        Income                          Minimum Sales
                                        Sales                                $268,319.88
                                        Total Income                         $268,319.88

                                        Less Operating Expenses
                                        Advertising                             $1,798.17
                                        Bank Fees                                 $498.95
                                        Cleaning                                $1,614.60
                                        Commission                              $1,652.71
                                        Consulting & Accounting Cost of         $6,306.25
                                        Goods Sold                             $12,498.27
                                        Council Rates                             $832.55
                                        Donations                                  $18.75
                                        Entertainment                             $379.09
                                        General Expenses Insurance                $427.84
                                        IT Purchase and Repair Legal            $5,223.55
                                        expenses                                $1,825.05
                                        Light, Power, Heating                     $248.00
                                        Motor Vehicle Expenses Office           $2,936.47
                                        Expenses                                   $45.75
                                        Printing & Stationery                      $18.24
                                        Rent                                       $35.08
                                        Repairs and Maintenance Special            $17.50
                                        Project Subscriptions                   $3,045.24
                                        Superannuation Expense Telephone          $962.50
                                        & Internet                              $1,348.25
                                        Wages and Salaries Expense Waste        $7,618.59
                                        Disposal                                  $682.93
                                        Water Bill                             $90,145.78
                                        Accounts Payable                          $422.05
                                        ATO Integrated Client Account           $2,067.50
                                        PAYG Withholdings Payable Total            $92.31
                                        Operating Expenses                     $17,000.00

                                        Operating Surplus                      $33,769.64

                                        Net Cash Movement profit               $65,702.03
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