Page 14 - RemoteSnsing&GIS by PK Gogoi
P. 14


            can easily reach on the earth’s surface.These are                                                                           he specular or mirror-like reflection occurs  maximum chlorophyll and thus, it reflects more

            the   portions   of  EMR     having    different                                                                       Tover the surface of smooth topography, like      green. But, on the contrary, during autumn, tree
            wavelengths,and     not   blocked    by    any                                                                         our National Highways, where all (or almost all)  leaves produce less chlorophyll ,and reflecting

            atmospheric elements in the atmosphere.These                                                                           of the energy is directed away from the surface   the red wavelengths. Thus it appears red or
            unblocked portions of EMR or spectrum is                                                                               in a single direction. On the other hand, Diffuse  yellow (yellow is a combination of red and green

            called ‘atmospheric windows’.      The visible                                                                         reflection occurs when the surface is rough and   wavelengths).It is to be further added that all
            portion of the spectrum, to which our eyes are                                                                         the energy is reflected almost uniformly in all   healthy trees having green leaves can reflect

            most    sensitive,  corresponds  to   both   an                                                                                                                          near-infrared wavelengths. By observing the IR
            atmospheric window and the peak energy level      of the earth , and condition of the feature. The                                                                       reflectance from trees ,scientists can determine

            of the sun.                                       equation of incident rays is expressed as EI (l)                                                                       health(lavishness) of vegetation cover.

                   nergy emitted by the Earth corresponds     = EA (l) + ET (l) + ER(l)       where, EI(I) =                                                                            n remote sensing, due to interaction of
              Eto a window around 10 um in the thermal        Indecent Ebergy, EA= Absorbed Energy , ET                                                                              IIncidence ray(I) with that of the target (T),-

            IR portion of the spectrum. Keeping in view of    Transmitted Energy and ER Radiated Energy                                                                              that is the earth’s lithosphere - transfers EMR
            the such atmospheric windows of spectrum ,

            remote sensing sensors are designed for
            acquiring data.                                                                                                        directions. The nature of reflection, therefore,
                                                                                                                                   depends on the nature of topography of the
                .3. Interaction with the Target (C) - Once the
                                                                                                                                   earth’s features.Whether a particular target
            2energy reaches the target or earth’s surface
                                                                                                                                   reflects  ‘specularly’    or   ‘diffusely’,  or
            through the atmosphere, it interacts with the
                                                                                                                                   somewhere in between, depends on the surface
            target(earth’s surface) depending upon the
            properties of both the target and the radiation.        bsorption (A) occurs when radiation                            roughness of the feature in comparison to the
                                                              A(energy) is absorbed into the target while                          wavelength of the incoming radiation. If the
                .3. Interaction mechanism of EM radiation
                                                              transmission                                                         wavelengths are much smaller than the particle
            2with ground and spectral response curve :
                                                              (T)     occurs                                                       sizes of the earth’s features, then from the
                  pproximately half of the solar energy                                                                            terrestrial surface, diffuse reflection will occur.In
                                                              when radiation
            Acoming from the sun is reflected or                                                                                   viewing remote sensing imageries it may either
                                                              passes through
            absorbed by the earth’s atmosphere. Remaining                                                                          be appeared smooth to long wavelength
                                                              a        target.
            half reaching the earth surface is either reflected,                                                                   microwaves, or be appeared quite rough to the
                                                              Reflection (R)
            absorbed, or transmitted. The three forms of                                                                           visible wavelengths.
                                                              occurs   when
            interaction,which is called ‘Incident Ray’ (I) of
                                                              r a d i a t i o n                                                            hlorophyll, presents in the leaves of     energy through the features of the earth and
            of EMR ,are absorption (A); transmission (T);
                                                              "bounces" off the target and is redirected. In                         Cplant, absorb radiation of the red and         subsequently,    ire-radiates  back    to   the
            and reflection (R). The total incident energy will
                                                              remote sensing, we are most interested in                            blue wavelengths almost completely but reflects   atmosphere in the form of long -wave terrestrial
            interact with the surface of the earth in one or
                                                              measuring the radiation reflected from targets.                      its   green wavelengths. That is why leaves       radiation. In the following paragraph, a pictorial
            more of these three ways. .How much of the
                                                                    eflection from a target is occurred in two                     appear ‘green’. There is a variation of reflected  representation of energy reflectance of different
            energy is absorbed, transmitted or reflected by a
                                                              Rways – one in specular reflection and other                         colour from the leaves from season to             objects will be discussed.
            material will depend upon: Wavelength of the
                                                              is diffuse reflection.                                               season.During summer, plant leaves produces
            energy (EMR), material constituting the surface
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