Page 18 - RemoteSnsing&GIS by PK Gogoi
P. 18


            be operated. For remote sensing applications,             The height of ground based platform is                                     irborne platforms are used to            atellites are man made objects that revolve

            sensors should be mounted on suitable stable      from a few meters to 50 Km or in the other                                    Acollect very detailed images and Saround the earth and sensors                 installed
            platforms. These platforms can be ground based,   words we can say that the ground based                               features. The collection of data over any portion  onboard captures data of the earth's surface

            air borne or space borne based.                   platforms are found bellow 50 Km from the                            of Earth's surface at any time but it is very     covering areas of more than hundreds of square

            As    the   platform   height   increases   the   Earth surface.                                                       expensive platform as compared to ground based    kilometers. Because of their orbits, satellites
            observational area increases. Thus, higher the                                                                         platforms .There are some examples of airborne    permit repetitive coverage of the earth's surface
            sensor is mounted; larger synoptic view is                                                                             platform                                          on a continuing basis. There are two types of

            obtained. The types or characteristics of                                                                                  .Drones /UAV : Drone is a miniature           well recognized satellite platforms: which are

            platform depend on the type of sensor being                                                                            1remotely piloted aircraft. It is designed to     ‘Manned Satellite Platforms’      like   Space
            attached and its necessity of researcher.                                                                              fulfill requirements for a low cost platform, with  Shuttles, Space crafts,  International Space
            Depending on task, platform can vary from                                                                              long endurance, moderate payload capacity and     Stations etc. and ‘Unmanned Satellite Platforms’

            ladder to satellite. Following are the three types                                                                     capability to operate without a runway or small   like Landsat series, SPOT series and IRS series

            of platform                                                                                                            runway.    Drone    includes    equipment    of   of remote    sensing satellite NOAA series of
                   .4.1.1 Ground based platform                                                                                    photography,     infrared    detection,   radar   meteorological satellites, the entire constellation
                   Ground platforms are used to record                                                                             observation    and TV surveillance. It uses       of the GPS satellites and the GOES and INSAT

            2detail information about the surface very                                                                             satellite communication link. An onboard          series of geostationary environmental       are

            closely. Some example of ground based                                                                                  computer controls the payload and stores data     examples of unmanned satellite category.
            platform are                                                                                                           from different sensors and instruments.               .4.1.3.a Space Borne Platforms (On the
            I ground vehicle (Mobile Hydraulic Platform) :                                                                                                                           2basis of orbital height )
                                                                                                                                       . Rockets as Platforms : Prior to use of
            Sensor is fixed at a height of 15 meter above the
                                                                                                                                   2airplanes, aerial photographs were obtained         n highlighting the satellite sensors placed at
            ground with a hydraulic platform.
                                                                                                                                   by rocketing a camera nto the sky and then Idifferent heights ,especially in space ,and
            2 tower : At the cell phone tower, sensor is fixed
                                                                                                                                   retrieving the camera and film. The high altitude  used for satellite remote sensing for acquiring
            and aerial data are received.
                                                                                                                                   sounding rocket is fired from a mobile launcher.  optical image , it is to be mentioned that on the
            3 air balloon : Altitude range is 22 to 40 Km. It
                                                                                                                                   During the flight it takes snapshot from above
            is used for collection of data related to
                                                                                                                                   the earth and decend down in a capsule.
            monitor      weather     phenomenon,
                                                                                                                                       . Aeroplane : High spatial resolution 20 cm
            pollution etc Balloons Balloons are
                                                                                                                                   3or less can be obtained by sensors from the
            used for remote sensing observation
                                                                                                                                   aircraft. Analog photography is possible. It is
            (aerial photography) and nature
                                                                                                                                   cost effective and nedds continues fly.
            conservation studies. Balloon floats
                                                                                                                                       .4.1.3 Space Borne Platforms : Space
            at a constant height of about 30 km.
                                                                                                                                   2borne remote sensing is carried out from the
            t consists of a rigid circular base plate

            for supporting the entire sensor system which      Air borne plattform :                              outer space or at an altitude higher than the
                                                                                                                                   earth's atmosphere and utilizes space shuttle or
            is protected by an insulating and shock proof
                                                                                                                                   more commonly satellites as platforms.. Space-
            light casing.
                                                                                                                                   borne imaging ranges from altitude 250 km to

                                                                                                                                   36000 km.
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