Page 21 - RemoteSnsing&GIS by PK Gogoi
P. 21


 basis of orbital altitude from the earth surface  revolution of satellite around the earth with its  . Inclined Orbit Satellites (also called Sun-

 there are three types of satellites, those are viz.  ascending and descending passes, the satellite  2Synchronous Orbit Satellite)

 EO (Lower Earth Orbit Satellite) .The  sensors  record  any of these satellite orbits are also sun-
 Lorbital height is between 500 to 1500  information of a  Msynchronous which means in this orbit,

 Km)  segment of the  the satellite is placed in a way so that the angle
 earth surface .
 EO (Middle Earth Orbit Satellite ) The  between the orbital plane and the line joining
 The  imaged
 Morbital height is  between 5000 to  Earth and the sun remains constant. Many
 portion of the
 12000 Km)  remote sensing platforms are designed to follow
 earth  in  a  an  orbit (basically north-south) which, in
 EO  (Geostationary  Earth  Orbit
 complete cycle covers  conjunction with the  Earth's rotation (west-
 GSatellite). The orbital height is 35,867
 hundreds  of  east), allows them to cover most of the Earth's
 Km (approx 36000Km)
 k i l o m e t e r s . S u c h  surface over a certain period of time. These are
 gain , on the basis of inclination of orbital  segment  of  imaged  near polar orbits, so named for the
 Apalne with respect to the equator, satellites  portion by the sensor is  inclination  of  the  orbit

 are of three categories . Here the term ‘orbit’  called a ‘swath’ . One  relative to a line running
 refers to the path followed by a satellite (both  swath  means  one  between the North and

 artificial and natural). The three categories of  complete revolution of the satellite around the  South poles. Many
 satellites are :  earth. It is very much likely that  of  these satellite

 1 . Polar Orbit Satellites  one after another every  synchronous  such
                                       orbits are also sun-
 . Inclined Orbit Satellites (also called
 2Sun-Synchronous Orbit Satellite)  portion of the earth due to  that they cover each
 earth’s own rotation from
 . Equatorial Orbit Satellites (also called  area of the world at a
 west to east. Consequently , after
 3Geostationary Satellites or Geosynchronous  constant local time of  day
 a period of time the satellite again overhead on
 satellites).      called local sun time. At any given
 the same location or starting point of the first  latitude, the position of the sun in the sky as the
 . Polar Orbit Satellites : In  polar orbit
 swath. The repetitive point of swath is called  satellite passes overhead will be the same within
 1satellites, satellites are following the north
 ‘Nidar’ point. The time required by a satellite to  the same season. SPOT 4 is on a circular sun-
 -south rotation in conjugation with  the earth's
 complete its orbit cycle is called ‘revisit period’.  synchronous orbit at an altitude of 830 km with
 rotation (west-east). As the satellite path is
 Suppose today at 1st of January 2021, a satellite  an inclination of 98.8° with respect to the
 north-south over the earth’s west to east rotation
 is  falling  overhead  at  South  equator
 ,therefore it allows them to cover most of the
 Haiborgaon,Nagaon,Near ADP College and it is
 Earth's surface over a certain period of time. The
 expected that the satellite should again be
 movements(path) of satellites is from south to
 overhead at the same location after a period say
 north pole  and from north to south pole
 after 21 days. This period is called revisit period
 continuously across the equator. Such types
 or ‘receptivity. However ’ satellite  Revisit
 movement of satellite are called ‘ascending’and
 period is different from satellite to satellite.
 ‘descending’  passes  respectively.  Each
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