Page 84 - 영문 이성필성지순례여행
P. 84

82                                            Chungcheong-do                        Chungcheong-do                                              83

                                                                                                                68  Gongju Baptist Church
            67  Yeongmyeong Missionary House and grave
                                                                                                               (current The Church of Dream)
                                 9-1 Junghak-dong, Gongju-si1
                                                                                                              2148-5 Baekjemunhwa-ro, Gongju

                                                                                                                                             The Church of Dream
            It is located in a sunny place on the
                                               While serving as the principal of
            back of Yeongmyeong Middle and High
                                               Yeongmyeong School until he was
            School in Junghak-dong, Gongju-si,
                                               forcibly deported to Japanese colonial
            and it was the home of Robert Arthur                                                                                               “The beginning of a new
                                               era, Missionary William cultivated the
            Sharp from the U.S. Methodist Church,                                                                                              future with a missionary
                                               national spirit of the students with
            built during the Japanese colonial era.                                                                                            multi-church”
                                               the school motto of 'Let's cultivate
            It is said that missionary Sharp married
                                               patriots who devote themselves to the
            Alice Hammond in 1905, a member of                                                                            a cornerstone
                                               country and the people.' Hoping for
            Woman's Foreign Missionary Society of
                                               the liberation of Korea, he named his
            the Methodist Episcopal Church, came
                                               son Gwangbok.
            down to Gongju, and the house was
                                                                                                   The Entrance of the Church                    Gongju Baptist Church
            built in November 1921 by a Chinese                                                    of Dream                                      Memorial Hall
            engineer as the first brick house newly
            built on the site of an existing small                                                 Gongju Baptist Church was established in 1896. The Ella Thing Memorial Mission, a
            thatched house.                                                                        missionary organization affiliated with the U.S. Baptist Church, sent Missionary E.C. Pauling
            Although it is a residential building                                                  to Korea in 1895. He took a boat through the west coast, went back to the Geumgang River,
            that is common in urban areas in the                                                   and arrived in Gongju, the location of the South Chungcheong Provincial Government at
            United States, it is a Western-style house                                             the time. Even though he worked for mission for 5 years, he failed to produce great results
            that is not common in Korea and has                                                    and the funds for missionary work ran out, so he went back to his country. In 1896, the
                                               the graves of missionary Frank Williams' son
            historical value as a modern building,   Woo Gwangbok and his sister Olive             Steadman missionary couple, Ackles, and Elmer were sent to Korea and they established
            so it is designated as a registered                                                    Gongju Baptist Church.
            cultural property No. 233. From the                                                    The missionary service in Gongju was handed over to missionary Fenwick. Missionary
            beginning of the 20th century to the                                                   Fenwick came to Korea in 1889, learned the Korean language in Seoul, and worked in
            present, the building has been the                                                     Sorae, Hwanghae-do. At that time, Missionary Fenwick was working as an independent
            place where missionaries carried out                                                   missionary. He went back to Canada in 1893 and was ordained by the Baptist Church, and
            missionary work in Gongju and it is also                                               returned to Korea in 1896 to do missionary work in Wonsan. In 1900, missionary Fenwick
            a symbolic place where Yeongmyeong                                                     was appointed to Gongju Church with Shin Myung-gu, who was preaching with him in
            School began its education. There are                                                  Wonsan. He organized a Bible academy in Gongju Church and began to cultivate talents.
            the graves of six to seven missionaries,                                               The Bible academy taught how to grow fruit trees and civil engineering techniques. It was
            including Missionary George Z.                                                         to enable self-supporting evangelism. Graduates of the Bible academy scattered across
            William (Korean name: Woo Gwangbok) , the                                              the country began to preach and establish 31 churches.  In 1906, Fenwick gathered these
            son of Missionary Frank William, and                                                   churches and established the denomination “Korea Christian Church.” The organization
            his sister Olive.                                                                      changed its name to Dong-A Christianity later and to the Korea Baptist Convention after
                                                                                                   liberation. Gongju Baptist Church served as the root of the Baptist Church. Gongju Baptist
                                             the old missionary house in Junghak-dong, Gongju      Church was closed again in 1940 because it refused to attend the shrine.
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