Page 22 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5784
P. 22

In memory of

                                     Rabbi Shael Bellows ל"ז

             Whose active leadership in Religious Zionist causes was legendary.

                     His is a legacy of Ahavat Yisrael, service to Klal Yisrael,

                                        dedication to Medinat Yisrael,

                           and individual and collective Simchat HaChaim

                              which will live forever in the hearts of those
                          who were fortunate to have been called his friend

                                         and to countless others who,

                                   through his generosity and kindness,

                                    had their lives positively impacted.

                                                   In memory of

                                               Bert Kahn  ל"ז

                                                  A past President of

             Mizrachi - Religious Zionists of Chicago and Religious Zionists of America.

                         His devotion to the goals and ideals of Religious Zionism

                                have left a lasting impact on our community.

                                                  He is truly missed.
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