Page 26 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5784
P. 26

הקותמו הבוט הנש

                Best wishes for a healthy and wonderful year

                                   Jenny and Joel Jacobson

                                                   and Family

                               Wishing our family and friends a year

                              filled with good health and happiness.

                May it be a year of peace and harmony for Klal Yisrael.

                                         Alan and Jodi Gershman

             Sarit, Simcha, Devorah, Dina, Tzivia, Dovi and Yisrael Zev

                  Ayelet, Eli, Yehoshua, Talia, Eitan, Ariella and Yona


                                  Nechemia, Chani, Rikki and Coby

                                      Elka, Yosef, Ilan and Shalva

                                         Yonatan, Meira and Tova
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