Page 25 - Mizrachi RZC Sefer Berachot 5784
P. 25

In memory of

                                           Bella Perlman, a”h

                                                  Whose love of

                                  Am Yisrael and Medinat Israel

                                          was beyond measure.

                               She set the standard for service to

                                    Religious Zionists of Chicago

                                    with extraordinary devotion.

                                             In Loving Memory of

                       Rabbi Dr. Shlomo and Hilda Rapoport

             whose love for Am Yisrael, Torat Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael

                                   led them to decades of leadership

                   for Mizrachi-RZA and Religious Zionists of Chicago.

                                Ashira and Rabbi Joe Ozarowski

                       Gitelle Rapoport and Gershom Szydlowski

                                              Chaya Schwartz
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