Page 12 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 12
Chief Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis
our Blessings
t a time when our societies it can be difficult to achieve this Why did David’s action prompt
are experiencing alarming ideal in practice. the wrath of G-d, whereas Moses,
Alevels of disunity, hatred and on no less than four occasions,
polarization, our Rosh Hashanah Every dog has his day! This is a perform the same action (counting
liturgy provides us with the antidote very Jewish teaching, beautifully the people) at the behest of the
to this downward spiral. We are expressed in Pirkei Avot: “There is Almighty Himself?
blessed to have a Torah tradition, no man who has no hour.” Simply
which not only provides us with the put, there are immeasurable The answer lies in the manner in
solution but also with a practical qualities of goodness in every which the numerical strength of
guide to how it may be achieved. person if only we had the patience the people was ascertained. Rashi
and tolerance to care enough to explains “by their polls” to mean
This idea is articulated beautifully discover and appreciate them. through shekels, a half-shekel per
in our Musaf Amidah for Rosh person. It was the coins which were
Hashanah, which provides an There are two simple Hebrew words counted and not the people.
invaluable insight into the way G-d which have the same three letters:
feels about us. We recall a blessing גֶנֹע (pleasure) and ע ַ גֶנ (plague). The David, however, undertook a
given by the heathen prophet, only difference between them is headcount, whereby each individual
Bilaam, “He has not seen iniquity where you put your ע – ayin (also was reduced to a statistic. As every
in Jacob; neither has he seen means ‘eye’) i.e. how you view the human being is a unique, G-dly
perverseness in Israel. The L-rd his situation. Two individuals can entity, it is anathema for us to regard
G-d is with him and the King will meet the same person and share an any person as a mere number. In our
be his friend” (Numbers 23:21). identical experience. For one, it can post-Shoah era, we carry the scars
be a pleasure and for the other, a of what dehumanization can lead to;
A modern commentary, Iturei plague. It all depends on the attitude of what can happen when people are
Torah, provides this beautiful they adopt. totally stripped of their dignity and
explanation: the Torah is referring individuality.
here to one who judges others Created in the image of G-d, every Commenting on the command,
favorably and always seeks to find human being has some virtue,
their virtues. Because they see no coupled with immense untapped ׁ שאֹר ת ֶ א ּוא ְ ׂש, “count the heads”
sinful behavior in others, G-d is potential. If we actively seek out (Numbers 1:2), the Shelah suggests
that every person is a rosh, a head.
with them and cherishes them as a the goodness of others, instead Each one has the potential to reach
friend. of knocking them down, we will great heights and must, therefore,
discover the hidden qualities we
Or in other words, the great pillar never imagined they had. be counted individually. Although
upon which decency stands is what no one is perfect, neither is anyone
Rav Kook referred to as ahavat An appreciation of this lies useless. Indeed, even a broken clock
chinam – the natural, unconditional behind the fascinating manner tells the right time twice a day!
love of others. in which the Israelites were As we usher in a New Year pulsating
counted. At the commencement
The Almighty thus delights in of the Book of Numbers, they were with opportunity, we recognize
those who are well disposed that G-d loves those who love their
towards others. G-d is comfortable commanded, “Take the sum of all fellows. When you befriend another,
in the presence of people who are the congregations of the Children you have a friend in G-d.
comfortable with their fellows; of Israel… by their polls.” This I extend my warm, good wishes to
He feels close to those who are imperative is surprising in the light the global Mizrachi family for a
close with all, regardless of their of the events described in Samuel wonderful New Year of peace, unity
imperfections. (2:24), when King David and the
Israelites were severely punished for and joy.
Yet whilst we might all readily agree taking a census, concerning which Rabbi Ephraim Mirvis is Chief Rabbi of
in principle that we should work David said, “I have sinned greatly the United Hebrew Congregations of the
towards a culture of ahavat chinam, through that which I have done.” Commonwealth
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