Page 9 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
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Rabbi Reuven Taragin Rabbanit Shani Taragin
he Talmud Yerushalmi Rashi explains that on Yom Kippur, restores the metzora to a healthy
contrasts the despair of the Kohen Gadol – who generally state of interacting with people and
Tnon-Jews on their days of wears eight golden vestments with G-d in the Mikdash. Similarly,
judgment, manifested through – officiates as a kohen hedyot, a the Kohen Gadol on Yom Kippur
their wearing of black clothing and regular kohen who wears four must wear white, symbolizing the
unshaven faces, with Am Yisrael, priestly garments. As he does so, garments of the dead and akin to
who approach Yemei HaDin with he is reminded of the time before the skin of the metzora, representing
confidence, shaving their beards he became Kohen Gadol, of the the impediments that sin brings to
and wearing white. The Rema cited seven days of miluim, preparing our vibrant relationship with G-d.
the custom of wearing clean white the Mishkan and its vessels. He But just like the metzora, he takes
clothing on Yom Kippur to emulate descends from his ‘golden’ stature as two goats (parallel to the birds), 9
the ministering angels and to wear a he removes his usual clothing, and slaughters one, sprinkles the blood
kittel “which is white and clean and humbly prepares the Mishkan for on the kapporet seven times, and
also the garment of the dead; this renewed revelation as he changes to sends the live goat to the desert. And
makes the human heart submissive his ‘elevated’ priestly garments later like the metzora, whose healthy skin
and broken.” These explanations in the day; his appointment renewed, and sensitivity to life are restored,
may be appreciated through a revelation re-experienced. 6 the Kohen Gadol immerses and dons
re-examination of the white clothing his vestments of scarlet and gold.
the Kohen Gadol wore during the Furthermore, as Aharon HaKohen
Yom Kippur service. donned the white garments worn As we wear white on Yom Kippur, we
by the regular priests as he entered each revisit death/tzara’at, which is
As we read and learn the Kohen the Kodesh HaKodashim with the designed to evoke a “submissive and
Gadol’s Seder HaAvoda on Yom sacred incense, I can only imagine broken” feeling. ּוני ֵ ת ָ פׂ ְ ש םי ִ ר ָ פ ה ָ מ ְּ ל ׁ ַ שְנּו
Kippur, we note that he donned the poignant deja vu he must have – it also reminds of the blood of the
special bigdei lavan – white linen felt remembering the initial miluim. sacrifices, and the gifted opportunity
garments, each time he entered the After all, his sons Nadav and Avihu we have to relish life anew each year.
Kodesh HaKodashim. According wore those garments as they carried
to the Ramban, these clothes give the incense only to be consumed Wishing you all a year of renewed
the Kohen Gadol the appearance of by Divine fire. Perhaps Aharon vitality and restored relationships of
an angel, described as wearing a must revisit their deaths every year, closeness!
sacral linen tunic. Perhaps this is the reminding himself – and us – to
source of the Rema’s first explanation defer to G-d’s commandments,
above. despite his passionate and instinctive 1 Rosh Hashanah 1:3.
desire to come close to Him. 2 Shulchan Aruch OH 610:4.
However, there are other times 3
when the High Priest dons linen Lastly, the Kohen Gadol’s white Leviticus 16:4.
garments as a reflection of a lower garments remind us of the metzora 4 See Ezekiel 9:3 and Daniel 10:5.
status of importance. When he – the leper whose healthy skin has 5 Leviticus 16:4.
removes the ashes from the altar in turned white and is compared to 6 See Rav Yoel Ben-Nun’s article in
the morning, he does not wear his a dead person. His state of tumah Megadim vol. 8, pp. 34-39, where he
standard priestly clothing, but the (impurity) interferes with and compares the Yom Kippur service to the
initial consecration of the Mishkan.
bigdei haBad (white linen garments). obstructs his relationship with 7
Similarly, his michnasayim kedusha (sanctity). He must remain Nedarim 64b.
(trousers), worn for a technical role outside the community and not enter 8 Leviticus 14:4-7.
of covering and not for “glory and the Mikdash. To purify the metzora, 9 See Ramban Leviticus 14:4.
adornment,” are also referred to as a Kohen must take two live birds,
bigdei haBad. On Yom HaKippurim, slaughter one, sprinkle the blood Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
he is to be reminded of his lowly seven times on the person and send Director of Mizrachi and the Director of
stature, facilitating his submission the live bird out to the field. The the Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators’
before G-d in the Holy of Holies. blood, symbolizing life, revives and Program
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