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bible scholar and historian
This article appeared previously in the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles. It was written by Julie Gruenbaum
Fax, a writer in Los Angeles, who co-authored Bronner’s 2017 memoirs, “The Eternal Students.” This
edition of HaMizrachi and page are dedicated in Dr. Leila Leah Bronner’s memory by her family.
abbi Joseph Bronner and Dr. Williamsburg, and in 1948 delivered
Leila Bronner were leaders the school’s valedictory address
Rin both the Johannesburg in modern Hebrew. She attended
and Los Angeles Jewish commu- teacher’s seminary and took classes
nities. She was president of Miz- at Hunter College, and in 1949 mar-
rachi Women in South Africa. In ried Rabbi Joseph Bronner, who had
Los Angeles, Dr. Leila Bronner was escaped Berlin with his family in
president of Emunah Women and 1941. They moved with their new-
helped establish its Achuzat Sarah born daughter to Johannesburg in
Children’s Home. She was also 1951.
active in AMIT Women.
Bronner had two more children
Leila Leah Bronner, a Jewish history while earning her bachelor’s in Bible
and Bible scholar, died in Los Ange- Studies at Witwatersrand Univer-
les on July 2. She was 89. sity in 1955 and a Masters in Jewish
History in 1960. When she was told
Bronner was a community leader that women were not welcome in
and Orthodox feminist and the first the doctoral program at Witwa-
woman to receive a doctorate in tersrand, she transferred to Preto-
Bible and Jewish Studies in South ria University, where in 1964 she
Africa. The author of eight books, earned her doctorate in Northwest taken over in Johannesburg. In 1984,
Bronner contributed hundreds of Semitic Languages. She became a they moved to Los Angeles, where
articles to scholarly and popular professor of Bible and Jewish Stud-
publications. She was an assistant ies at Witwatersrand University. Bronner taught at the University of
professor at the University of Juda- Judaism and several other venues.
ism (now American Jewish Uni- The Bronners were founders of She became president of Emunah
versity) in Los Angeles, a visiting Yeshiva College, the first and still Women and was involved in Amit
professor at Harvard University, largest Orthodox day school in Women, Builders of Jewish Educa-
Bar Ilan University in Israel and South Africa. By 1974, Bronner had tion and Jewish Federation.
USC, and a frequent presenter at published four books and was a In 1994, Bronner published her
academic conferences around the celebrity in the South African Jewish most successful book, “From Eve
world. A resident of Hancock Park community, and regularly filled to Esther,” one of the first books to
for the past 35 years, Bronner also auditoriums and synagogues for
taught a women’s Shabbat afternoon standing-room-only lectures. analyze midrashic and rabbinic atti-
class in her home. tudes toward Biblical women. She
She became a pioneering Jewish was an early member of the Jewish
Born Leila Amsel in Czechoslova- feminist, writing in a South African Orthodox Feminist Alliance, and
kia in 1930, she was the youngest of newspaper in 1974: “Let us have wrote often about women’s issues.
seven children. In 1936, her father, less sermons, speeches and articles Her book “Stories of Biblical Moth-
Rabbi Yitzhak Amsel, a respected teeming with apologetics trying to ers” was published in 2004.
Hungarian Chassidic leader and prove that Judaism places woman
scholar, perceived the growing on a pedestal, and more concrete Bronner never retired, publishing
threat of anti-Semitism and pro- actions showing that she has equal a book on the afterlife, “Journey to
cured visas for his family. With aid opportunity with her male counter- Heaven,” in 2011, and her personal
from the Hebrew Immigrant Aid part to develop her talents and make memoirs, “The Eternal Students,” in
Society, the family settled on the a meaningful contribution to every 2017. She continued teaching until
Lower East Side of New York in sphere of Jewish life.” just a few months before her death.
1937, before moving to Williams-
burg, Brooklyn. In 1984, Yeshiva College rededi- Bronner is survived by her husband,
cated the Leila Bronner Girl’s High Joseph; her children Temi (Bernard)
At 10, Leila convinced her father School. Monderer, Esther (Walter) Feinblum
that, like her brothers, she and Moshe (Amira); nine grandchil-
should receive a Jewish educa- The Bronners opposed apartheid, dren and many great-grandchildren;
tion. She attended Bais Yaakov in but feared the violence that had and her brother, Avraham.
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