Page 10 - HaMizrachi02-04( #12)2019RoshHaShanaYomKippurUSA
P. 10


                                                                                 Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                                              Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                       Guidance for Somone

           Unable to Fast on Yom Kippur

             ome  people  find  it  very  dif-  How do we measure melo lugmav?   to eat immediately after drinking
             ficult to fast. In some cases,   The fill of one's cheeks is of course   (or vice versa) without waiting nine
        Sthey are not allowed to fast for    different  for  everyone.  It's  easy  to   minutes. However, one should be
        medical reasons. When there is a     measure. Fill the mouth with water   careful about liquidy foods that
        doubt as to whether one should fast,   and spit it out into a disposable cup.   could fall into either category (such
        one should consult a rabbi. If this is   Divide that amount into two using   as crushed fruit, porridge, etc.). One
        not possible and there is real doubt   another cup. The amount in both   should not eat or drink within nine
        (i.e. fasting could endanger life), one   cups is now  melo lugmav. Before   minutes of consuming them.
        should avoid fasting. A sick person
        must not fast contrary to the doc-   Yom Kippur, mark that amount on     What  bracha should one say when
                                             a cup and only drink that amount
        tor’s instructions.                                                      eating and drinking?
                                             each time (see Nishmat Avraham
        Is it permissible to use medication   1, 5212,9). Or measure out the     When eating or drinking in shiurin,
                                             majority of a  revi'it, which is less
        that helps ease the fast, before Yom                                     it is enough to make a bracha over
        Kippur?                              than 44ml, and preferably less than   the first portion (unless there has
                                             38ml (there are shot glasses and    been a long time between portions
        Of course, even though it makes      even plastic bags that contain the   or the mind has been distracted).
        fasting easier. On Yom Kippur, there   required amount nowadays, which   One  should  not  say a  bracha  ach-
        is no obligation of mourning or sad-  you can even discreetly drink from   rona (a  bracha after eating) when
        ness. We refrain from eating and     in shul). Once there is no further   eating in shiurin.
        drinking, but there is no obligation   need  to drink  in  shiurin, one must
        to feel uncomfortable. It is prefera-  stop drinking.                    Can I shower to regain strength for
        ble  for a healthy  person  who fasts                                    the fast?
        easily not to take these pills.      What is one allowed to drink?       If a person is weak and feels he

        Prayer or eating?                    According to the Nefesh Chayah,     needs to break the fast, it is per-
                                             only water. However, most  poskim   missible to take a shower rather
        The Chatam Sofer wrote that it is    hold that you may also drink a tasty   than to eat or drink (a shower was
        better not to go to synagogue if it   drink.  In  fact,  it  may  even  be  pref-  even allowed for a choleh she’ain bo
        may cause one not to fast. It is pref-  erable to drink a tasty drink – Yom   sakana – a patient in no danger) if
        erable to pray on one’s own, rather   Kippur is a Yom Tov, and if you    it will indeed help him get through
        than drink shiurin (small amounts)   must drink it is better to enjoy it.   the fast.
        even one time. One who is weak and   Additionally, drinking a sweetened
        can only fast if he remains in bed   beverage may help prevent eating    Pills on Yom Kippur
        all day, should not attempt to go to   and drinking later on.
        synagogue. He should pray by him-                                        A  choleh she’ain bo sakana who
        self as best he can. Attending syn-  How   should   one   eat   when     must continue taking pills even on
        agogue and/or praying are of sec-    necessary?                          Yom Kippur may swallow them
        ondary importance to  the  biblical                                      without water. If water is necessary,
        obligation to fast.                  When eating is necessary, it is     ‘damage’ the water before swallow-
                                             better to eat less than the size of a   ing (with something bitter or with a
        If necessary, how should one drink?  “large dried date” once every nine   little salt – a way that people would
                                             minutes. This is about 30cc, roughly   not normally drink water). If the pill
        Even in a case where drinking is     the size of a regular matchbox (even   has a taste, wrap it in thin paper and
        necessary, it would be better to     a portion of food that only becomes   swallow it wrapped.
        drink less than a melo lugmav – the   smaller than a matchbox  after
        fill of one’s cheeks, every nine min-  grinding it is permissible).
        utes. If necessary, there are opinions                                   Rabbi  Yosef Zvi  Rimon is Head of
        which allow drinking at more fre-    When a person both eats and drinks   Mizrachi’s  Shalhevet  Educational
        quent intervals.                     on Yom Kippur, they are allowed     Advisory Board and Chairman of Sulamot

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