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        angelic forces both prosecute and    have we made to them? Has our role   RETURNING TO ONE DAY
        defend our actions and motives in    over the last year in each and every   Perhaps this is the reason why the
        the Heavenly Court. Based on these   one of these spheres of connection   two-day Rosh Hashanah observance
        two verses, the Zohar sees a premise   made them that much better for us   continued  during  the  exile  of  the
        for two distinct types of judgment.    having been present?              Jewish people from our Holy City
                                             The first day is harsh judgment, אָני ִ ּ ד   and Land. Even once the calendar
        A BEAUTIFUL EXPLANATION              אָי ְ ׁש ַ ק, since we stand completely   was  fixed  and  no  longer  depen-
        The Rebbe went on to give a beau-    alone as individuals. The second day   dent  on  the  sighting  of  witnesses,
        tiful interpretation for the need    is a lighter judgment – a אָי ְ פ ָ ר אָני ִ ּ ד –   it would be a two-day holiday, and
        for two separate days of judgment:   since we are never alone when we    even in Israel too. At this time, the
        every Jew lives concurrently on      are part of the  ל ָ ל ְּ כ and contribut-  sense of Jewish peoplehood was
                                                                                 being  eroded  and  we  found  our-
        two plains – both as an individual   ing to its success. The merit of the   selves scattered to all corners of
        and as a member of the commu-        community  comes  into play  when   the globe. Judaism could have very
        nity  – the  Jewish  people.  Having   we ensure that our individual des-
        two roles means that a Jew has two   tiny is inextricably linked with the   easily  become  individually  focused,
        specific missions, each one requir-  destiny of the community –  Klal    since we had been stripped of our
        ing a specific focus and a separate   Yisrael.                           national homeland and the col-
                                                                                 lective spiritual focus of the Beit
        judgment. We need to give a dual     To fulfill our mission and pass the   Hamikdash. Jews could have forgot-
        reckoning of how we have lived our   dual  judgment, we  must succeed    ten about the enormous responsibil-
        lives as individuals and also how    at both. We dare not forget either   ity toward one another – the power
        we have contributed to the Jewish    mission.  We  may  be judged in one   of the ה ָּ ל ִ ה ְ ק – the community.
        people and the broader community.    way as an individual, but fare very
                                             differently with regard to our judg-  If we live as complete Jews, both
        On  the  first  day,  we  are  judged  as   ment  as part of  the Jewish people.   individually and communally, per-
        a  ט ָ ר ְּ פ, an individual, and on the   We must be careful not to lose our-  haps we will no longer need two
        second day as part of the ל ָ ל ְּ כ – the   selves in either role to the exclusion   separate days. We will hopefully
        collective. On day one our personal   of the other. A person must not    merit to be able to return soon to
        life is under scrutiny. How hard have   focus exclusively on personal spir-  the original Biblical imperative of
        we worked to better ourselves; to    itual growth, as important as this   a  one-day  Rosh  Hashanah:  one  day
        improve our character traits, actions   is, but also always see how he or   which incorporates both individual
        and motives. Even if we were the     she can contribute to the destiny of   and communal togetherness, with
        only person alive, we have an obli-  our people and to the greater good.   the One People serving the One G-d
        gation to aspire to be the best we   Alternatively, making a difference   in the One Land.
        can be. Are we a better person and   to the lives of others at the expense
        Jew this year that we were the year   of our personal growth is counter-
        before? Even if we most certainly    productive. We have to have it both   1
        are, it is not enough. No man is an   ways. The dual judgment of Rosh     Zohar, Parashat Pinchas, 231.
        island and no-one can get away with   Hashanah beckons us to aspire to be   2  Job 1:6 and very similarly again in 2:1.
        living in splendid isolation, oblivi-  a complete Jew. To aspire always to   3  I subsequently saw a very similar idea
        ous to those around them. For that   both heal ourselves and to heal the   mentioned by Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler in
        there is a second day of reckoning.   fractured world we live in. To con-  Michtav MiEliyahu Volume 2, in his dis-
        We may also be a child, a spouse, a   currently prioritize both the course   course about Rosh Hashanah.
        parent, and are certainly part of a   of our personal spiritual lives and
        family, a community, a people and    also the course of the lives of all   Rabbi Doron Perez is the Chief Executive
        a world around us. What difference   those around us.                    of World Mizrachi


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