Page 16 - HaMizrachi #7 Purim
P. 16


                                                                              Dr. David Pelcovitz

                             Three Ways

                        TO COPE WITH THE


              ny time that a couple views   periods of  cheshbon haNefesh, soul    Gottman finds that when couples make
              something as a challenge, it   searching, are stronger and deal better   that small shift in their relationship –
      A helps to have a mindset that        with life’s stresses and challenges.   turning towards – marriages can improve
      helps strengthen the relationship. Here                                      no end.
      are three ways to build that mindset:   2. Turning Towards
                                                                                   3. You Never Know
      1. Staying in Touch                   John Mordecai Gottman, one of the
                                            world’s leading marital therapists, gave a   I often hear couples complaining about
      It’s extremely important to stay in touch   talk to a group of about 300 rabbis. He   how much better their friends’ marriages
      during the week, to talk, to show interest   spent two days teaching the basics of   seem to be. “Why can’t you treat me like
      in each other.                        how to help couples with  shalom bayit   he treats her? Why can’t you be more
      That should be obvious, but sometimes   (marital harmony). And now I keep    easygoing with me like so-and-so?”
      husband and wife should take a step   hearing the rabbis say, “You know how   First, it’s never helpful to compare
      back and stay in touch with their goals.   he made a difference in my life? Two   yourself to others. You never know
      Psychology  research  shows  that  every   words: “turning towards.”         what’s really going on in somebody
      time we examine our goals – whether   Gottman showed a video of couples      else’s home. I can’t tell you how many
      in marriage, as parents, as Jews – it   spending a week in his laboratory at the   times I’ve had people in my office sitting
      actually makes for higher happiness                                          down and comparing, and I have to bite
      levels and better relationships. As it   University of Washington. He observed   my tongue because I know that later I’m
      says in Proverbs (29:18), “b’ain  chazon   them and gave them feedback on their   going to be seeing the very couple they
      yepara am” – when there is no vision, the   marriages. He highlighted one point in   admire to try and salvage their marriage.
      people go wild. Without that vision, we   particular. It’s a couple sitting down for
      will grow apart from what and whom we   breakfast. Husband reading the paper,   You know what the research shows? That
      cherish.                              sipping his coffee. Wife looking out   if you spend just a few minutes every day
                                            of the window at the beautiful lake on   or a number of times a week deliberately
      So make time during the week to check   campus. She turns towards him and says,   reminding yourself of what it is that you
      in with each other and with yourselves   “Aren’t we lucky to be able to spend the   love and admire and are grateful for in
      about where you’re going. My favorite   week here working on our marriage?”   your spouse – it actually makes a shift in
      way of thinking about this are the    And he says, “Uh huh,” and continues to   your shalom bayit.
      three questions Jacob tells his family to   read the sports news.
      prepare for as they are about to confront
      Esau: who are you, where are you going,   That moment, says Gottman, is a    1  Rabbi Kalonymus Kalman Shapira, the Rebbe of
      and what are you going to do with what   moment of choice, a nekudat haBechirah  2   the Warsaw Ghetto.
      you have?”                            – the point of  choice in a marriage   2  A reference to Rabbi Eliyahu Dessler’s assertion
                                            that makes all the difference. It’s easy   that a person only has free choice in a very
      Says the Piazecner  in the name of the   to fix. When she starts a potentially   circumscribed area – their “point of choice.” Each
      Ba’al Shem Tov, another way of reading   serious conversation, he has a choice   person has a different point of choice.
      the words  v’avadetem meheirah (usually   – either to go back to the newspaper
      translated as  ‘and you will be lost                                         Dr.  David  Pelcovitz  holds   the
      quickly’), that we say in the Shema, is to   or to say to himself, “There’s nothing   Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in
      get rid of the rush in your life.     more important in my life now than to
                                            turn towards my wife and talk to her   Psychology and Jewish Education at
      Stop. Grasp the power of stillness. Ask   about  something important.  And  there   the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish
      yourself those three questions. Studies   is nothing more important than our   Education  and  Administration  at
      repeatedly show that families that value   relationship.”                    Yeshiva University

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