Page 20 - HaMizrachi #7 Purim
P. 20

David M. Weinberg
                  AGAINST UNILATERAL


             iven   the   Arab   regional   improve Israel’s international position   Worst of all, unilateral withdrawals
             meltdown, the inroads made by   and moral standing. As the Lebanon    will unnecessarily and unjustifiably
     G radical Islam in the Palestinian     and Gaza precedents proved, unilateral   tear asunder Israel internal fabric.
      national  movement,    and    deep    Israeli withdrawals only guarantee     It’s indefensible to tie a death-knell
      incapacities in the Palestinian Authority   continuation of the conflict and even its   tourniquet on Israeli towns in Judea
      – it’s hard to believe that anybody still   escalation, not its de-escalation.  and Samaria – if at all – without
      hawks the same-old “solutions” for the                                       comprehensive and sustainable peace in
      Palestinian-Israeli arena.            After the Israeli withdrawals outlined in   the offing.
                                            the plan, how is Israel going to be able
      And yet that is what center-left generals   to prevent the fall of Judea and Samaria   Consequently, I prefer the views of Maj.
      and Barak-Olmert era officials are    to Hamas or one of the other jihadist   Gen. (res.) Yaakov Amidror and Col.
      doing, with the presentation of yet   groups  now  swarming the  Mideast?    (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman, who were Prime
      another passé plan for unilateral Israeli   If Israel reserves the right to raid the   Minister Netanyahu’s national security
      withdrawals  from  Judea and  Samaria   territories to root out Hamas cells, how   advisors  (and  are  now  fellows  at  JISS  –
      (the West Bank). Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos   is that any different from the situation   the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy and
      Yadlin and a group of colleagues at the   today? And if the IDF keeps a significant   Security, the leading conservative think
      Tel Aviv-based Institute for National   troop presence on the hilltops and at key   tank). They have written that Israel
      Security Studies (INSS) have suggested   junctures, who will really consider this   must not jeopardize its existence by
      a plan to separate Israel from the    an end to the Israeli “occupation”?    embarking on rash initiatives – neither
      Palestinians. They would unilaterally                                        unilateral withdrawals nor annexations
      create a contiguous Palestinian “entity”   Moreover,  with  Israel’s  civilian  – that would radically worsen its security
      under the control of the Palestinian   settlements in the Samarian mountains   situation, just to please proponents of
      Authority comprising approximately    asphyxiated, one can imagine what will   “forward progress” at any cost. This risk
                                            befall Israel’s rump troop presence in
      65% of the West Bank and take steps to   the West Bank. Remember how badly   is not worth taking.
      starve settlements outside the so-called                                     Amidst violent events, it is easy to be
      settlement blocs.                     Israel’s “security zone” in southern
                                            Lebanon worked out? Israeli forces had   tempted to seek decisive “solutions” to
      The  “new strategic  framework”  is   no legitimacy whatsoever, engendered   the Palestinian problem(s) – in both
      nicely wrapped-up as professional and   sustained international opprobrium, and   Gaza and the West Bank – through
      politically-neutral research that took a   the IDF suffered constant casualties.   drastic  military  action,  or  through
      year of intensive discussions to produce,   Does anyone want to turn Judea and   equally dramatic concessions. But given
      and is couched in high-soaring language   Samaria into southern Lebanon?     the lessons of recent history, as well as
      about   “taking  Zionist  initiative.”  Unilateral moves will not provide    the unpredictable nature of regional
      But essentially it’s the same plan for   Israel with diplomatic breathing room   events, it makes sense to adhere to
                                                                                   “conflict management” and piecemeal
      unilateral withdrawals in the absence of   either. Withdrawing from one part of
      peace with the Palestinians that General   the territories won’t convince anyone   arrangements.
      Yadlin used as a political platform when   that Israel has a right to keep other   This is not a cowardly choice by
      he stood as Zionist Union candidate for   parts. On the contrary: A partial Israeli   hapless political and  military  leaders,
      defense minister in 2015.                                                    but a rational choice in irrational
                                            pullout  will  intensify  the illegitimacy
      Now, the leader of Israel’s new “centrist”   of any remaining presence in the   circumstances; even more so when the
                                                                                   Iranian challenge looms larger than ever
      political party, Lt. General (res). Benny   territories. Every Israeli retreat is taken   on Israel’s immediate horizons. Patience
      Gantz, has dropped hints that he too   as proof that the territories are all stolen   has its own merits.
      sees the need for Israel to unilaterally   property that must be returned to their
      “shape a new reality” in the territories.  rightful Palestinian owners. Unilateral   David M. Weinberg is vice president
                                            withdrawals will bolster Palestinian   of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategy
      Unilateral Israeli withdrawals will   maximalism, not engender Palestinian   and  Security,  His  personal
      neither enhance Israeli security nor   cooperation or moderation.            site is

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