Page 12 - TzurbaFlipUSA_Neat
P. 12
Elul 5778
August 2018
The Religious Zionists of America – Mizrachi seeks to strengthen our community by creating new synergies
between synagogues, schools and individuals in the United States, and Yeshivot, Midrashot, and the many
flourishing institutions of Religious Zionism in Israel.
The production of Tzurba M’Rabanan in a format more easily accessible to the English-speaking audience
greatly advances this goal. This new English edition not only represents an opportunity to deepen and expand
Torah learning in our communities, it is an opportunity to synchronize our learning with this program of limmud
which has become so popular in Israel.
Tzurba M’Rabanan is the result of years of work of Rav Benzion Algazi and other great Torah luminaries. Its
format and flow are unique and offer an excellent derech limmud for all who seek to know and understand
halacha from its core sources through the modern day poskim who apply these principles. We salute the Tzurba
M’Rabanan Institute, the Manhigut Toranit Project, Eretz Hemdah and World Mizrachi for partnering to make
Tzurba M’Rabanan available around the world.
The Religious Zionists of America – Mizrachi is pleased to help disseminate Tzurba M’Rabanan in the United
States and make this material available to synagogues and schools, rabbis and lay people.
“Tzruba M’Rabanan” is a phrase which appears many times in the Gemara and refers to one who is “on fire” from
the wisdom and teachings of the rabbis. We hope that this effort to distribute Tzurba M’Rabanan to the greater
English-speaking world will ignite a new spark of Torah learning in our communities.
Rabbi David A. Israel Rabbi Reuven Taragin
Executive Vice-President Educational Director
10 Tzurba M’Rabanan