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P. 13
Elul 5778
August 2018
It is indeed a great privilege and honor for us at the Mizrachi World Movement to be a partner in this wonderful
initiative of the inaugural volume of the Tzurba M’Rabanan series in English.
The Tzurba M’Rabanan project was initiated by one of the Jewish world’s leading talmidei chachamim, Rav
Benzion Algazi א“טילש, and covers all areas of the Shulchan Aruch which are practical today – 300 different
sugyot/shiurim from the Talmudic source to the halacha lema’aseh. Hundreds of communities all over Israel
study Tzurba M’Rabanan on a weekly basis, with tens of thousands completing the cycle of these sugyot
spanning Shulchan Aruch.
We at Mizrachi are privileged to be a partner in bringing this unique series of Talmud Torah and halacha
lema’aseh to the English speaking world. Yasher koach to Rav Algazi and all at the Tzurba M’Rabanan Institute
for allowing us to partner with this wonderful program.
A big yasher koach to Rav Doron Podlashuk, the Director of the Manhigut Toranit program, for his sterling work
in adapting and translating this high-level work to the English-speaking world. World Mizrachi has the privilege
of being a partner with Eretz Hemdah in the ground-breaking Manhigut Toranit program.
Additionally, Mizrachi has also partnered with our branches around the world in marketing and disseminating
this Torah and bringing it to a wide learnership which we hope will only grow in leaps and bounds, הרות לידגהל
May this program be an ongoing fulfillment of the verse, םילשורימ ‘ה רבדו הרות אצת ןויצמ יכ, in connecting
communities around the world through the Torah of Eretz Yisrael.
Rav Doron Perez
Head, Mizrachi World Movement
ןנברמ אברוצ 11