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rabbi ya’akov ariel
former chief rabbi, ramat-gan
Tzurba M’Rabanan is well known in Israel and around the world as an excellent
institute for teaching practical halacha. Thousands of students can attest to the
fact that their study in the institute was enriching and enjoyable and added
another level to their spiritual persona.
We hereby recommend that all lovers of Torah join the circle of students
dedicating time for Torah study through the institute. Learning relevant,
practical halacha through deep study of the Talmudic issues and the
different approaches of the halachic authorities. This unique combination
of in-depth study and practical halachic ruling focusing on relevant topics
ensures productive and fascinating study. The learning takes place using well-
constructed booklets that encourage successful study.
May Rabbi Benzion Algazi be blessed, for it
is his dynamic personality that spearheads
the institute with great success. We wish
him continued blessing in increasing and
glorifying Torah.
This approbation was written for the original Hebrew edition
12 Tzurba M’Rabanan