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י ןמיס ד קרפ הנשה שאר תכסמ ,ש”אר 5 .
.התווצמ רמג איה התיישעד םושמ ,”רפוש תעיקת לע“ ךרבל שיש ,בתכ םת ונברו...
Rosh, Masechet Rosh Hashana 4:10
Rabbeinu Tam writes that one must recite the blessing of “al tekiat shofar” – blowing the shofar, for that action
[the blowing] is the completion of the mitzvah.
במ ןמיס ןישע ,לודג תווצמ רפס 6 .
.)אי ,טכ רבדמב( ”םכל היהי העורת םוי“ רמאנש ,הנשה שארב רפושב עוקתל השע תוצמ
Sefer Mitzvot Gadol, Positive Mitzvah 42
It is a positive mitzvah to blow the shofar on Rosh Hashana, as it says, “it shall be a day of blowing for you.”
The simple reading of the Gemara below seems to support the opinion of the Rambam that the essence of the mitzvah is to
hear the shofar, since it states that one who blows the shofar into a pit does not fulfill his obligation if the sound he heard
was an echo (as noted by the Tur). By contrast, those standing in the pit do fulfill their obligation, as they heard the blasts
:זכ הנשה שאר תכסמ ,ילבב דומלת 7 .
לבא ,רובה תפש לע םידמועה ןתואל אלא ונש אל :אנוה בר רמא .’וכו ”תודה ךותל וא רובה ךותל עקותה”... .ארמג
.ואצי – רובב ןידמועה ןתוא
Masechet Rosh Hashana 27b
It was taught in the mishna: If one blows a shofar into a pit or into a cistern, he has not fulfilled his obligation if
he heard the echo. Rav Huna says: They taught this only with respect to those standing at the edge of the pit. But
those standing in the pit itself have fulfilled their obligation.
הפקת ןמיס ,םייח חרוא ,רוט 8 .
עקותה“ :ןנתדכ ,עמושב אלא אתלימ אילת העיקתב ואלד ,”עוקתל“ אלו ”רפוש לוק עומשל“ ךרבי ,עקתיש םדוקו
)ב דומע זכ ףד ,הנשה שאר( ”אצי אל ’וכ רובה ךותל
Tur, Orach Chaim, Siman 585
Before one blows, one must recite the beracha “to hear the sound of the shofar [lishmoa kol shofar]” and not
“to blow [litkoa],” as it [fulfilling the mitzvah] is not dependent on blowing the shofar, but on hearing it. As we
learned in the Mishna: One who blows into a pit has not fulfilled his obligation.
18 · Hilchot Shofar Tzurba M’Rabanan