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P. 21

However, other sugyot seem to support the opinion of Rabbeinu Tam that the essence of the mitzvah is blowing, as one can
        only fulfill the obligation if the person who blew the shofar is obligated in the mitzvah himself.

                                                 ח הנשמ ג קרפ הנשה שאר תכסמ ,הנשמ         9 .
         םיברה תא איצומ וניא – רבדב בייוחמ וניאש לכ :ללכה הז .ןתבוח ידי םיברה תא ןיאיצומ ןיא – ןטקו הטוש ,שרח
                                                                                   .ןתבוח ידי
        Mishna, Masechet Rosh Hashana 3:8
        A deaf-mute, a mentally deranged individual, or a minor may not fulfill the obligation on behalf of others. This is
        the general rule: All those who are not obligated with regard to a [particular] matter cannot fulfill the obligation
        on behalf of others.

        In order to resolve this mishna with the opinion of the Rambam, the Chazon Ish explains that the nature of the mitzvah
        of shofar is unique: The mitzvah is to hear the shofar, as the Rambam stated, yet one must hear it from a person who is
        obligated in the mitzvah, as one has to hear a shofar sound that qualifies as a mitzvah, i.e., from one who is obligated. A
        similar phenomenon exists regarding the mitzvah of tzitzit, where one who is obligated must tie the knots, even though
        the mitzvah is to wear the garment. So too here, even though the mitzvah is to hear the shofar, nevertheless the “hechsher
        mitzvah,” the preparation for the mitzvah, i.e., the blowing, must be done by one who is obligated.

                                                    ד תוא טכ ןמיס םייח חרוא ,ש”יא ןוזח  . 10
         ןטקו הטוש שרחמ אצוי וניא ךכלהו ,הווצמ לש רפוש לוקב אלא העימשב אצוי וניא – רפוש תעיקת ןיינעל ןכו
                           ...הווצמ לש רפוש לוק יווה אל הידידלד ,ואיצוהל ורבח ןוויכ אלשכ ןכו .קסעתממ אלו
        Chazon Ish, Orach Chaim 29:4
        Similarly regarding the blowing of the shofar, one only fulfills the obligation of hearing if it is from the sound of a
        shofar that qualifies as a mitzvah. Therefore, one cannot fulfill the obligation through [the blast of] a deaf-mute,
        mentally deranged individual, or minor, or one blowing absent-mindedly. Similarly, [one does not fulfill the
        obligation] if one’s fellow [who is blowing] did not intend to fulfill the obligation on his behalf, as for him [the
        listener] it is not considered a sound of the shofar that constitutes a mitzvah.

        The halacha is that the formulation of the beracha is in fact “to hear the sound of the shofar” (Shulchan Aruch 585:2).

        ןנברמ אברוצ                                                          רפוש תוכלה · 19
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