Page 21 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 21

field comes together to create a broad,
      comprehensive approach.

      Thus, in Judea and Samaria, Field
      Coordinator Yishai  Hemo  traverses
      the   countryside,  investigating  and
      documenting illegal construction –
      carried out in areas under full Israeli
      jurisdiction, but without permits or
      planning, in violation of international law
      and the Oslo Accords, as well as Israeli
      law - but the individual cases are only a
      part of the larger goal. “By ‘connecting
      the dots’ between seemingly-random
      Palestinian outposts throughout the
      region, we unmasked the Palestinian    Meir Deutsch addresses Knesset hearing
      Authority’s (PA) plan, supported by the                                      up-to-date aerial and drone photography,
      European Union’s ongoing violations    Protecting Israel’s Environment       state-of-the-art GIS maps, and more.
      of  international law,  to  build  a de  facto   In its fight to protect the land itself, the   When  we  have  the  facts,  the  next
      Palestinian state in Area C according to   organization has become a major force in   stage begins. We process and digest
      the Fayyad Plan,” says Hemo.           environmental protection. In 2018 alone,   all of this information and build our
                                             Regavim opened 50 new environmental
      “This year, we exposed the PA’s        abuse case-files: “We petitioned against   case, file official complaints with the
      systematic program of strategic land   unlicensed, polluting garbage dumps   relevant authorities, and closely monitor
      seizure through mass-scale agricultural   and illegal quarries that are scarring the   enforcement activity. When necessary,
      activity, funded by Arab and European   countryside, water pollution caused by   we take it to the next stage. Our legal
      countries. Taking advantage of the     dumping of raw sewage, destruction    department petitions the court for an
      outmoded system of law in force in Judea   of  the  landscape,  and  more,”  says  Hezi   injunction or work-stop order.”
      and Samaria, the PA has begun to redraw   Eyal, Field Coordinator for the Northern   The process doesn’t end there, though.
      the  map and stake  Palestinian claims   Region. “In some cases,  our activity   The follow-up often takes longer than
      to huge areas that the Oslo Accords    had immediate results; in others, we   the case-building or prosecution, and
      placed under full Israeli jurisdiction.   battle on. Our research on the illegal   some active cases have been in the courts
      Our detailed study of the problem      automotive scrapyards that are blighting   for a  decade. In the interim, Deutsch
      was  presented  to  the Prime  Minister,   the north of Israel revealed that there   and his colleagues use the information
      members of the cabinet, ministers and   is no official government authority
      MKs. At the same time, we filed several   responsible for enforcing the law in cases
      Supreme Court petitions, launched a    of environmental crime – and the crimes
      media campaign, and took MKs on fact-  involved are many: illegal scrapyards are
                                             polluting our soil and water, flooding
      finding tours of endangered areas in   the used-parts market with sub-standard,
      Judea and Samaria.
                                             undocumented    merchandise,   and
      Our “Roots of Evil” report has served as   fostering  a hotbed of organized crime.
      the basis for a series of hearings in the   Our report on these scrapyards will serve
      Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense    as the basis for continued activism in the
      Committee;  as  a  result  of  our  intensive   Knesset and the courts in 2019.”
      efforts, the Ministry of Defense has   “The idea is to empower the government
      finally  acknowledged  the problem,    to exercise its power,” says Meir
      and has drafted recommendations to     Deutsch, who recently assumed the
      combat this  strategic threat.  The Civil   role of Director-General. “We use the
      Administration in Judea and Samaria,   information we gather to create an
      the official body responsible for law   overview of the problem. We research
      enforcement, has turned a blind eye as   the history and the legal issues that
      the PA, with the help of tens of millions   impact what we see out in the field
      of Euros provided by the EU and others,   today, and map out the problem using
      has expropriated tens of thousands of   every resource we can get our hands
      acres of state land – land that is now   on:  archival  material,  land deeds  and   Illegal agricultural land seizure is changing the map
      permanently lost to the Jewish State.”  official documents, historic photographs,   of Israel: Area C, under full Israeli administration

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