Page 20 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 20
the Land of Israel –
Inch by Inch, Acre by Acre
Look out of your window. Do you anti-Zionist organizations, within Israel Ever since, they have been singlehandedly
know – do you really understand – what and abroad. waging the legal battle to preserve Israel’s
you’re seeing? In far too many areas in most precious resource: the land itself.
Israel, people have been gazing out their Regavim (Hebrew for mounds of earth)
windows, taking in the stunning views was conceived in the darkest days of 2005, The three, Yehuda Eliyahu, Meir Deutsch,
of the Holy Land, without realizing they as Gush Katif was emptied of its Jews and Betzalel Smotrich (now a Member
are looking at a new battleground for the and Peace Now was waging a successful of Knesset), began submitting “mirror
future of the Jewish Homeland. legal campaign against a host of Jewish petitions” to the High Court of Justice,
communities. Three young Jewish turning the very methods used by anti-
Ever so quietly, without the roar of battle idealists looked out of their windows – Zionist organizations against them. Day
or the clamor of war, the Jewish people one from his home in Samaria, one from after day, week after week, year after year,
are losing significant parts of the Land a small but dedicated staff of fieldworkers
of Israel. Cement mixers have replaced his office window in the Binyamin region, and attorneys have documented,
tanks, bricks have replaced bullets, and and one from the window of an IDF researched, and prosecuted the abuses
innocent-looking civilians, including jeep in the Negev – and realized that the of Israel’s resources and sovereignty that
children, have replaced soldiers, but their Land of Israel was gradually disappearing threaten the very foundations of the
goal remains the same: through illegal before their very eyes. Together, they Jewish State.
construction and land seizure, their aim combined their expert legal and fieldwork
is to take over significant chunks of the skills to confront the forces undermining Exposing Strategic Land Seizure
country, acre by acre, town by town, with Jewish sovereignty and delegitimizing the This is a “big picture” operation, as the
the assistance of massive funding from Jewish State. detailed information collected in the