Page 16 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 16

Rabbi Alan Haber

          Planting Trees

                                                    IN ISRAEL

             sk any Israeli what we do on Tu   (Leviticus 26:27, 31-32).  History saw   people Israel, who will soon be coming”
             BiShvat, and you will be told,   these verses fulfilled very literally – the   (Ezekiel 36:8).
      A “Plant trees!” referring  mainly    Jewish people were driven from Eretz
      to  the  organized  tree-planting  events   Yisrael and, over several centuries   However,  the  forests one  sees  all  over
      that attract hundreds of thousands of   beginning in the Middle Ages, it became   Israel today are very different from the
      participants each year. Because this   desolate and depopulated.             ones described in the Tanach. They
      custom is so widespread, Tu BiShvat is                                       are generally dominated by the above-
      actually an official vacation day in Israeli   Still, some forests remained. But then,   mentioned Aleppo Pine trees, which were
      schools.                              in the 19th century, the Ottoman       chosen because they grow quickly and
                                            government needed huge quantities of   don’t need a lot of water or maintenance,
      However,   many   people  may   be    wood for the Hejaz railway line they   thus allowing for quick afforestation.
      surprised to learn that planting trees   were building from Damascus to the   These pines have become so ubiquitous
      in Eretz Yisrael was not always seen   Arabian Peninsula (1300 km long).     that they are mentioned in the opening
      as meritorious. In fact, at one time   The  forests  of  Eretz  Yisrael,  a  nearby   line of Naomi Shemer’s “Yerushalayim
      it was considered a great pioneering   but neglected corner of their empire,   shel zahav,” and have even been given the
      accomplishment to cut them down!      provided a convenient source. Most of   local name “Jerusalem Pine”!
      As strange as this may seem today, it is   the trees were cut down, decimating
      clear from several biblical passages (for   the remaining forests and turning some   With the passage of time, though,
      example, see Kings II 2:24 and Micha   of them into swampland, making the    it has become clear that pines may
      5:7) that much of Eretz Yisrael was once   country even more desolate.       not have been the best choice. These
      covered with thick forests, menacing                                         trees aren’t native to the area, and
      places  inhabited  by  dangerous  animals.   When  the first  Zionist  pioneers   are highly flammable, which is one
      So cutting down trees was a positive   arrived in the 1880s, they realized that   of the reasons that Israel suffers from
      act of development, as it reduced the   reforesting the land would have to be   forest fires. Therefore, the JNF has
      dangerous areas and freed up land     a priority. These efforts were stepped   begun to plant a variety of different
      for human settlement. We even read    up during the British Mandate, and     trees. And when parts of a forest are
      (Joshua 17:14-18) that when the tribes   new species of trees were introduced,   destroyed by fire, they often refrain from
      of Ephraim and Menashe complained     including the eucalyptus (imported     replanting them.  Instead, the forests
      to Yehoshua that the territory they’d   from Australia because it grows quickly   are given the opportunity to regenerate
      been given was too small, he replied,   and consumes large quantities of     naturally, ultimately producing typical
      “Nonsense! You have plenty of land; it’s   water, making it helpful for draining   Mediterranean woodlands dominated by
      just that much of  it is a  forest.  Go cut   swampland), and the Aleppo Pine.    local species like oak and pistacia.
      down the trees and settle the land!”    With the establishment of the State of   The contemporary custom of planting
      In contrast, nowadays the JNF plants   Israel, the JNF embarked on a massive   trees on Tu BiShvat to help rehabilitate
      over 300,000 trees in Israel’s forests   afforestation  campaign,  eventually  and redeem the land is a beautiful
      every year. How did the situation change   planting over 200 million trees to   expression of the joy of a people
      so drastically?                       create 280 forests that have changed the   reunited with its homeland.
                                            landscape from the Upper Galilee all the
      The answer begins with a biblical     way down to Eilat. By doing so, whether
      prophecy: “If, with all this, you [still]   they realized it or not, they were helping   Rabbi Alan Haber, a member of the
      do not listen to Me…I will destroy your   to fulfill a different prophecy: “And   Mizrachi Speakers and Tour Guides
      cities and make your temples desolate…   you, O mountains of Israel, give forth   Bureaus, is a teacher and a licensed
      and I will make the land barren”      branches and produce fruit, for My     Israeli tour guide

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