Page 12 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 12

Rabbi Menachem Leibtag


               any nations have attacked    It is precisely now that Amalek attacks:   understand this as a description of
               and oppressed Am Yisrael     “Amalek came, and attacked Israel at   ethical behavior.
      M throughout its history. Yet         Refidim...” (see 17:8). But who is in
      Amalek is singled out as Israel’s arch   Refidim? Only a remnant of the camp –   The Torah also describes how the
      enemy. What was so terrible about     the weak and tired.                    midwives feared G-d by not obeying
      Amalek’s attack that requires a battle                                       Pharaoh’s command to kill the male
      “for all generations”?                Our interpretation thus far has been   babies.
                                            based on conjecture and reading
      “And Amalek came, and attacked Israel   between the lines. However, in the   All of these examples support our
      at Refidim...”  From this verse alone, it   parallel account, we find these missing   interpretation of  v’lo  yarei Elokim by
                                                                                   Amalek as reflective of their unethical
      would seem as though all of Bnei Yisrael   details:  “Remember what Amalek did   behavior, waging war on the weak and
      are encamped in Refidim when Amalek   to you baderech (on your journey) when   unprotected. Therefore, a possible
      attacked. However, when we consider   you left Egypt, for he surprised you   answer  to  our original  question  is  that
      what took place during the previous   baderech [i.e. while you were traveling]   the Torah singled out Amalek as Israel’s
      event (i.e. the story of “massa u’meriva”),   and cut down all the stragglers at your   arch enemy not merely because they
      a  very  different  picture emerges:  “And   rear, while you were famished and   were the first nation to attack Israel, but
      Bnei Yisrael traveled from the desert   weary...”                            due to the unethical nature of that attack.
      of Zin... and encamped in Refidim,    Amalek capitalizes on Bnei Yisrael’s
      and there was no water for the people   disadvantage. Even in war there are   In this sense, one could possibly suggest
      to drink... and they quarreled with   accepted norms of conduct; men fight   that  zecher Amalek (the remembrance
      Moshe...” (17:1-3)                                                           of Amalek) could be understood as a
                                            men, armies engage armies. Amalek’s    generic term describing any aggressive
      To solve this water shortage, G-d     attack is outright unethical, even by   nation that acts in a similar unethical
      instructs Moshe to take his staff and hit   those standards.                 manner, and not necessarily a genetic
      the rock. However, where is that rock?   Further support of this interpretation   term, describing any descendant of those
      “G-d  said  to  Moshe,  pass  before  the   may be drawn from the conclusion of   people who attacked Israel at Refidim.  8
      people, take with you some of the elders,   the verse:  “...v'lo yarei Elokim” – and
      and take the staff... I will be standing   he (Amalek) did not fear G-d.  This
      before you at the rock at Chorev; strike   phrase –  yarei Elokim (fear of G-d) – in   1  See Exodus 17:8, after 17:1-7.
      the rock [there] and water will issue   the context of unethical (or immoral)   2
      from it...” (17:5-6)                  behavior, is found numerous times in   3  See Deuteronomy 25:17-18.
                                                                                    See Rashi and Ibn Ezra on Deuteronomy
                                            Chumash. For example, Avraham offers
      The rock is not in Refidim; it’s at Mount                                    25:18.
      Sinai! Imagine the situation: the entire   Avimelech the following explanation   4  Deuteronomy 25:18.
      nation, after suffering days of thirst in   for lying about his wife: “And Avraham   5  Genesis 20:11.
                                            explained  (to Avimelech),  for  I  said (to
      a hot desert, must now first quench its   myself) there is no  yirat Elokim in this   6  Genesis 42:15-18.
      immediate thirst, and then move its   place, and therefore they will kill me (to   7  Exodus 1:21. See also the shiur at www.tanach.
      camp to the new water source. Those   take my wife).”                        org/breishit/vayera.doc, which discusses this
      who still had strength probably went                                         phrase in greater detail.
                                                                                   8   For a deeper examination of this topic, see
      first, to bring supplies back to those too   Similarly, Yosef, pretending to be an
      weak to travel. One could also assume   Egyptian official, tells his brothers he
      this journey was not very organized,   will release them from jail, allowing   Rabbi Menachem Leibtag is an
      with the stronger men advancing to set   them a chance to prove they are not   internationally  acclaimed  Tanach
      up the new campsite, leaving the “weak   spies. He prefaces this with the phrase:   scholar and online Jewish education
      and tired” behind.                    “...  et Ha’Elokim ani yarei...”.  Again we   pioneer

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