Page 11 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 11

Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                           Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                                                 A SONG OF

                                        FREEDOM, FAITH

                                            AND CLARITY

                hat did Bnei Yisrael (the   extreme clarity of the Divine Presence,   eight times in the song. From this we
                Children of Israel) see at   to the extent they felt they had seen   understand that the splitting of the sea
     W the Red Sea that caused              G-d  Himself.  What was  so  special   was just as much a victory over the sea
      them to sing?                         about the parting of the Red Sea? We   as it was a victory over the Egyptians.
                                            know that  it  was not  the  first  miracle   The song emphasizes both elements.
      “This is my G-d, and I will glorify   they had seen at that time. They were
      Him” – Rabbi Eliezer says: a          of course witnesses to the Ten Plagues   In  pagan  thought,  the sea  was
      maidservant at the sea saw what       that G-d had miraculously brought      uncontrollable, threatening the powers
      Ezekiel and Isaiah did not see, as it   upon Egypt.                          of the gods who fought against it with
      is said “and through the prophets I                                          all their might. Contrary to this belief,
      conveyed allegories” (Hoshea 12:11),   It  seems  that  the splitting of  the  sea   the splitting of the sea depicts G-d as
      so they did not see but through       was the peak, the culmination of their   a power effortlessly controlling the
      visions, as it is said: “the heavens were   exodus from Egypt. After each one   sea. G-d’s ability to control the water,
      opened, and I saw visions of G-d”     of the plagues – and even after the    to part it, to dry the seabed, to create
      (Ezekiel 1:1), and because they saw   killing of the firstborn – the Egyptians   walls of water, surprises Bnei Yisrael
      seraphs and  chayot hakodesh (celestial   recovered and continued to enslave   (who had lived in a pagan world until
      creatures)  to  their  right  and  to  their   Bnei Yisrael, or chase after them. The   now) and shows them very clearly who
      left, therefore, they did not recognize   Egyptians  drowned  at  the Red  Sea   is the true G-d controlling all forces of
      the glory of their Creator.           and would never be able to enslave the   nature. Seeing G-d’s special powers so
                                            Jews again. So this was really the first   clearly turns  belief into  certain  faith,
      But when G-d Almighty disclosed       time Bnei Yisrael sensed total freedom
      himself to them on the sea, this was   and hence they burst out in song.     as  stated  in  the  midrash:  “when  they
      not through an angel and not through                                         saw with their souls and their hearts,
      a seraph and not through  chayot      As long as a person is enslaved to     and they recognized the glory of their
      hakodesh. Therefore, when they saw    external forces and lives in constant   Creator, it is as if they saw with their
      with their souls and their hearts, and   fear and insecurity about his future,   eyes.”
      they recognized the glory of their    he is not free and cannot sing songs of   Such a certain, clear faith raised
      Creator, it is as if they saw with their   happiness and gratitude. The sense of   Bnei Yisrael to the highest level of
      eyes, and even babies and suckling    liberty gives a person inner freedom,   spirituality, causing them to sing and
      infants could see the glory of their   which expresses itself in song.       praise G-d. So this is the moment they
      Creator, and they pointed to Him and                                         declare unequivocally: “The L-rd shall
      said “This is our G-d”, and so it will   The Song of the Sea (Shirat HaYam)   reign for ever and ever.”
      be in the future, as it says, “And it shall   does not only mention the victory over
      be said in that day: ‘Behold, this is our   the Egyptians, but also the amazing
      G-d’ …” (Isaiah 25:9).   1            control over the water: “And with      1
                                            the blast of Thy nostrils the waters   Sechel Tov, Buber, Beshalach, Chapter 15:2.
      According to the midrash, Bnei Yisrael   were piled up, straight as a wall stood
      (the Children of Israel) experienced a   the  running  water; the deep  waters   Rabbanit Sharon Rimon teaches Tanach
      special Divine revelation at the parting   congealed  in  the  heart  of  the  sea”   and is Content Editor for the Herzog
      of the sea, during which they attained   (Exodus 15:8). The word sea appears   Tanach website:

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