Page 6 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 6

Rabbi Hershel Schachter

      TEN LEVELS OF Sanctity

     T       he Sifrei Zuta, in its first gloss   Eretz Yisrael itself, which possesses the   The Mishna added a third  din to

                                            10th level of kedushat haMikdash.
                                                                                  demonstrate that Eretz Yisrael contains
             discusses  the  mitzvah  to  send
                                                                                  that only the fruits of Eretz Yisrael are
      the temei’im (impure) outside the various   Upon the dedication of the first Beit   an element of  kedushat haMikdash –
      machanot (camps), stating  ת ֹו ׁש ֹוד ְ ק  ר ֶ ׂש ֶ ע   HaMikdash, Shlomo HaMelech offered   obligated in bikkurim. The Mishna must
      ן ֵ ה – “There are 10 levels of sanctity.”   the  tefilla, “And they shall pray to You   hold that  bikkurim is not one of the
      The Mishna similarly lists these 10   by way of their Land You gave to their   ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב ת ֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה ת ֹוו ְ צ ִ מ, but is rather part of
      levels in ascending order of  kedushah   forefathers, and [by way of] the city   the  avodah of the Beit HaMikdash, and
      (sanctity), starting with Eretz Yisrael   You have chosen, and [through] the Beit   the fruits must therefore grow on land
      and concluding with the Holy of Holies.   1  HaMikdash I built for Your Name.” 2   that possesses kedushat Beit HaMikdash.
      There are slight discrepancies between   The requirement to face Eretz Yisrael
      these two presentations, and Rav      during  tefilla, which then ascends to   This is the point of dispute between
      Menachem Ziemba Hy”d examines them    G-d “by way of the Land,” is based on   the Mishna and some versions of the
      in his Otzar HaSifrei.                                                       Sifrei  Zuta,  which  do  not  include  the
                                            the fact that the entirety of Eretz Yisrael   din of bikkurim along with the omer and
      Rav Soloveitchik was fond of discussing   contains an element of  kedushat Beit   shetei haLechem. The latter maintain that
      the first level of  kedushah listed in the   HaMikdash. The Rambam (Hilchot   bikkurim is one of the  ת ֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה  ת ֹוו ְ צ ִ מ
      Mishna – that of Eretz Yisrael: “Eretz   Tefilla 5:3) seems to hold that it is a   ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב. Therefore, while it is true that the
      Yisrael is holier than all other lands. And   Torah requirement for one outside the   fruits of  bikkurim may only come from
      what constitutes its holiness? That we   Land to face Eretz Yisrael when praying.   produce grown in Eretz Yisrael, this
      bring from it the [barley used for the]   Similarly, the Gemara in Ketubot   din  does  not prove  anything  regarding
      omer-offering, the [first fruits offered as]   (111a) teaches, based on the  pasuk,   the  kedushat haMikdash aspect of Eretz
      bikkurim, and the [wheat used for the]   ֹו ּ מ ִ ע   ֹות ָ מ ְ ד ַ א  ר ֶּ פ ִ כ ְ ו – “and His land shall   Yisrael. This aspect of the  kedusha of
      shetei haLechem [two loaves on Shavuot],                                    Eretz Yisrael can only be proven through
      which we do not bring from all other   atone for His Nation” (Devarim 32:43),   the  dinim regarding the  omer and the
      lands.”                               that whoever is buried in Eretz Yisrael   shetei haLechem. [See  Nefesh HaRav, pp.
                                            achieves  kappara (atonement) as if he   77-78; Eretz HaTzvi, p. 97.]
      It  seems  strange  that  of  all  the  dinim   were buried under the  mizbe’ach (altar).
      that make Eretz Yisrael unique – the   Kappara is achieved specifically through
      ץ ֶ ר ָ א ָּ ב ת ֹויּול ְּ ת ַ ה ת ֹוו ְ צ ִ מ, agricultural mitzvot   Eretz Yisrael’s relationship with the Beit   1   Keilim 1:6-10.
      dependent upon the land (teruma,      HaMikdash, just as the Beit HaMikdash   2  Melachim 1, 8:48.
      ma’aser, shemitta, yovel, leket, shikecha,   is where one brings korbanot (sacrifices)   3  According to Rabbi Akiva, Bechorot 53a, Temura
      pe’ah, challa) – specifically these three   for kappara.                     21b.
      obscure  dinim are the ones chosen to                                        4  Pesichta, Parashat Bo; see Kli Chemda, Parashat
      express the uniqueness of Eretz Yisrael.  Another  din (law) that reflects the   Chukat, siman 4.
                                            kedushat haMikdash aspect of Eretz     5
                                                                                   This essay can be seen in a more expanded form
      Rav Ziemba and Rav Soloveitchik       Yisrael is that  ma’aser  beheima (animal   in the sefer Rav Schachter on the Parsha.
      explained that the Sifrei Zuta and    tithes) and  bechor beheima tehora
      Mishna are not merely outlining the   (firstborn kosher animals) are not
      special  kedushah of Eretz Yisrael per   offered as  korbanot if they come from
      se. In this  context,  Chazal  express  the   outside Eretz Yisrael.  Similarly, the
      notion that there are 10 levels of kedushat   Mechilta  holds that  the  allowance,
      haMikdash. Its most intense level is in the   during certain periods in history, to   Rabbi Hershel Schachter is Rosh
      Kodesh HaKodashim (Holy of Holies).   offer a korban on a bama (altar outside of   Yeshiva and Rosh Kollel at Rabbi Isaac
      The kedusha then spills over to the other   the Beit HaMikdash) was likewise only   Elchanan Theological Seminary of
      areas, until it fills the boundaries of   applicable in Eretz Yisrael.       Yeshiva University

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