Page 8 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 8
Ordinary Heroes • Remembering Ari Fuld
"Ari created a
in this world"
Ari Fuld, 45, was murdered four months they were also hit, so he tells Ari and “Your son changed my life,” he said. “I
ago at the Gush Etzion Junction, at the his friend to go bring them back. Ari stopped being a bully. Ari taught me how
entrance to a supermarket. As he was gets up from under the tree, puts his bag to fight, and how not to fight.”
bleeding from a mortal wound, he found down and three seconds later a missile
the strength to run after and shoot his hits the exact spot he’d been sitting in. A Yonah: Another one wrote, “I hate to
attacker, saving other Jewish lives in piece of shrapnel flew into his protective say Ari Fuld was my karate teacher, it’s
the process. The Editor of HaMizrachi vest. He took that shrapnel with him all so diminishing. Ari Fuld taught me to
recently spent time with Ari’s parents, over America, all over the world – he love Torat Yisrael, Eretz Yisrael and Am
Mary and Rabbi Yonah Fuld, at their always had trouble getting it through Yisrael. He taught me how to be a better
home in Jerusalem. security mind you – and he used it when human being, how to relate to people
he spoke about motivation, Israel, or and”… listen to this… he said, “I’ve
Mary: When the army mistakenly making the most of life. been to yeshiva my whole life, I went to
discharged Ari, he wouldn’t give up until Israel for two years, I learned, I went to
they let him back in again. He harassed Mary: When Ari came out of that war, yeshiva college, but it was Ari Fuld who
them, pleading, begging, until they he said to me, “Mom, now I’m going taught me how to daven.”
allowed him into the paratroopers. He to do what’s important.” And he sat in Once a father came to Ari after karate
was with them in the Second Lebanon yeshiva every day, from eight in the class. “Ari, I apologize, I didn’t give my
War in 2006. morning to three in the afternoon, when boy his Ritalin today. I’m so sorry, it will
he went to teach karate.
And it was the same when they sent him never happen again.” Ari says to him,
his discharge papers at age 40. He just Yonah: His teaching was based on “Ritalin? Stand here.” And he takes the
tore them up. He wasn’t going to give a method called Tora Dojo. Nothing boy and asks him to go through the kata
up the privilege of being a soldier in the to do with Torah although it has a movements. The boy does everything
IDF so easily. Jewish orientation. Tora means tiger in perfectly and Ari says to the father, “See
Japanese. that? Don’t you ever give him Ritalin
In fact he never gave up. when you send him to me!”
Mary: A guy came to the shiva, and
Yonah: Ari was deep in Lebanon resting told us he used to beat up people in the Mary: Another man comes to the shiva.
under a tree with the guys. Two soldiers street. His parents sent him to Tora Dojo He says, “Many years ago I took classes
were injured and the commander sent because they thought it had something with Ari. I told him I didn’t have money
in another two guys to get them, but to do with Torah, and Ari taught him. to pay him. And he said don’t worry