Page 10 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 10

Ask the Rabbi

                                                                            Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                           Rabbanit Sharon Rimon


                            ISRAELI FRUITS OVERSEAS

     W          hen buying fruits and       Kook (Mishpat Kohen 46), and Rav       “Is it not true that the sanctity of the

                                                                                   Land, influenced by the higher sanctity
                                            Shaul  Yisraeli  (Chavat  Binyamin,  1:3),
                it better to buy Israeli
                                            to separate  terumot and  ma’asarot but
                                                                                   fruits, which imbibe the holiness of
      produce or to actually avoid buying   even though he himself was particular   of the Land, is also impacted by its
      it, because maybe  terumot and        without a  bracha. Rav Ovadia Yosef was   the Shechina dwelling in the Land…
      ma’asarot have not been taken?        also lenient (Yabia Omer 10:46), while   and therefore it is obvious that we
                                            the Chazon Ish (Demai, 15:4), the      insert, ‘and we shall eat from its fruits
      The Rambam writes (Hilchot Terumot    Achiezer (Kovetz Iggrot 309) and Rav   and be satiated from its goodness,’ in
      1:22) that fruits exported overseas are   Shlomo Zalman Auerbach (Ma’adanei   this  bracha [al HaMichya], because by
      exempt from  terumot and  ma’asarot.   Aretz, Terumot 1:22) all ruled that the   eating its fruits we are nourished by the
      The Ra’avad disagrees and says there   fruits – even if they were always intended   sanctity and purity of the Shechina.”
      is  a  deRabanan  obligation. Other   for export – are obligated to be tithed.
      Rishonim also rule that  terumot and                                         This principle was repeated by Rav Kook
      ma’asarot must be taken from Israeli   Practical Halacha                     (Orot  HaKodesh  3,  p.295):  “The  food
      exports (e.g. Rosh, Sefer Year’im, Sefer                                     of  Eretz  Yisrael  is  innately  holy  and  is
      HaChinuch, Rabbeinu Yona).            As mentioned above, most Rishonim      only physical in its external appearance.”
                                            and Acharonim hold that one should
      The Rambam’s position invites deeper   take terumot and ma’asarot but without   This is particularly important for those
      analysis.  Terumot and  ma’asarot must   a bracha. Nevertheless, the Aser Te’aser   who do not live in Israel. For when one
      be taken from fruit in Eretz Yisrael   (21), Rav Isser Zalman Meltzer, and   lives in a place void of the sanctity of
      after the action that makes them ready   Rav Ovadia Yosef all suggest that   Eretz Yisrael, one should at least try
      for use (like picking them from a     leniency has support. Even those       to connect to the holiness of the Land
      tree for example). It seems from the   who are stringent can suffice with the   as much as possible. Eating fruits from
      Rambam’s wording that there is no     Chazon Ish’s abridged wording of the   Israel  provides  some connection  to
      such obligation if the produce is being   separation, i.e. make a photocopy of   this sanctity and reinforces agriculture
      exported.                             the wording (and place a coin  next to   in Israel. Observing the  mitzvah of
                                            it, upon which Ma’aser Sheini and Neta   separating  terumot and  ma’asarot also
      However, the Ridbaz, the Mishneh      Reva’i will be  mecholel  –  redeemed.   connects a person to Eretz Yisrael.
      LaMelech, the Mabit and most          A one-dollar coin will suffice for
      Acharonim write that it is simple     35 times ), take a little more than    One should make the effort to buy

      logic that if the fruits already have an   one hundredth of the produce and   Israeli produce, and enjoy the merits
      obligation to be tithed in Eretz Yisrael   say,  “I hereby declare that these are   of eating of the fruits of Eretz Yisrael.
      (because they are now ready for use),   terumot and ma’asarot according to the   Ideally one should separate terumot
      they should retain that obligation    terumot and  ma’asarot wording in my   and ma’asarot (without a bracha),
      outside of Israel too. According to   possession,” and then place this one   easily and  simply as described  above.
      them, nowadays even the Rambam        hundredth in a bag and in the garbage.  Yet even if one doesn’t take terumot
      would agree that it is an obligation,                                        and ma’asarot there is a halachic base
                                                                                   for that as well.
      because the action that made them     The Value of Eating Israeli Fruits
      ready for use was performed here in
      Eretz Yisrael.                        There is a special merit in eating     1  At current exchange rate.
                                            fruits from Eretz Yisrael. And a special
      The Maharsham (1:72) wrote that       sanctity. Thus wrote the Bach (Orach
      even according to those stringent about   Chayim 208:8), saying that since the   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of
      fruits obligated to be tithed in Eretz   fruits are influenced by the higher   Mizrachi's  Shalhevet  Educational
      Yisrael, if the owner originally intended   sanctity of the Shechina in Eretz Yisrael,   Advisory Board, Chairman of the
      to  export  them,  they  would  be  exempt.   so  their consumption  is  automatically   Halacha Education Center and Rabbi of
      This theory was also mentioned by Rav   not a normal consumption:            Machon Lev

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