Page 13 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 13



      Most of the major commentators on the   connect learners around the world to   Koren is proud to publish essential
      Tanakh and Talmud lived far away from   the Land of Israel via Jewish texts and to   resources that can help students of all
      Israel.  While  they  held  extraordinarily   revitalize the centrality of our Land to   ages discover and appreciate the natural
      profound   understandings  of  the    the people of the Book.                wonders of our beloved Promised Land.
      biblical narratives, they simply did
      not have firsthand knowledge of       Rabbi Steinsaltz, who studied biology
      Israel’s physical landscape (with the   at Hebrew University, incorporates his
      exception of very few who did manage   vast knowledge of and passion for the
      to reach its shores). Consequently, for   natural world into his commentaries on
      many generations, all those who have   the Torah, Tanakh, Mishna and Talmud.
      used  these  commentaries  may  find   Working with a cadre of scholars,
      verses  referencing  the  natural  world   researchers, and design experts, The
      perplexing, boring or even irrelevant.   Noé Edition Koren Talmud Bavli and
      Indeed, over 2,000 years in the Diaspora   new Weisfeld Edition Steinsaltz Humash
      has taken a toll on our familiarity with   combine color images, fascinating
      and connection to the natural wonders   explanatory notes and contemporary
      of the Land of Israel – its terrain,   design, as they bring the ancient world
      wildlife, flora, fauna, geography, and   of our ancestors to life.
      agriculture.                          Koren has also released The Israel
      Fast forward to the 21st century, a time   Humash, an all-Hebrew edition with
      when archeological excavations take   crisp Hebrew font, newly digitized,
      place throughout Israel and when we   clear Rashi script, and a special
      can explore the Land firsthand and    section dedicated to the flora, fauna,
      encounter the magnificence of its natural   vegetation, and animal life in the Torah.
      landscape.                            These images and brief explanations –
                                            groundbreaking in their scope – are the
      To address this welcome phenomenon,   result of a collaboration with Professor
      Koren Publishers have released a      Zohar Amar of Bar Ilan University, who
      number of works that feature the natural   contributed  his expertise  in biblical
      life of Eretz Yisrael as it relates to our   botany. Modern, 3D maps of the Middle
      ancient texts. Together with the prolific   East and color illustrations help make
      Torah scholar Rabbi Adin Even-Israel   learning Torah more relevant and
      Steinsaltz, Koren shares a mission to   captivating than ever.

                Enjoy 20% off The Koren Israel Humash (set or one volume) and/or individual volumes of the Koren Talmud

                Bavli when you use promo code MIZRACHI on the Koren website: Any purchase of these
                items will also receive a FREE copy of the popular Gemara Card! 20% offer valid until January 31, 2019. Limited to 10 Talmud
                volumes. Personalized dedication pages for synagogues are available for bulk orders. Contact for details.
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