Page 15 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 15

Rav Kook's Teachings

 Gael Grunewald                                                       Rabbi Chanan Morrison

        Planting a Tree in Magdiel

      “At every possible occasion,” wrote Rabbi   Hands shaking, he reverently placed the   overwhelmed with feelings of awe and
      Ze’ev Gold, “I tell the story of the remarkable   sapling in the ground, while murmuring   reverence!”
      lesson I was privileged to learn from our great   his gratitude to G-d for the privilege of
      master, the gaon and holy Rav Kook, may the   planting a tree in the Holy Land.  (Adapted from  Zehav HaAretz by Rabbi Ze’ev
         memory of the righteous be a blessing.”                                   Gold, 1982; Mo’adei HaRe’iyah, pp. 222-223.)
                                            On the trip back to Jerusalem, Rabbi
                                                                                   1  The town of Magdiel was founded in 1924.
                                            Gold  turned to  the  Chief  Rabbi.  “Why   Rav Kook objected to the name Magdiel, as
                                            did you exhibit such deep emotions     this was the name of an Edomite chieftain
                                            when you planted a tree into the ground?   (Genesis 36:43). Even worse, ancient Jewish
                                            Nowadays, thank G-d, hundreds of trees   tradition identifies Magdiel as Rome, the
                                            are planted every day in the Land of   nation which conquered the Land of Israel and
                                            Israel!”                               destroyed the Second Temple (see Rashi ad
                                                                                   loc, from  Pirkei d’Rabbi Eliezer). This did not,
                                            “As I held that young sapling in my    however, prevent Rav Kook’s participation in
                                            hands,” Rav Kook replied, “I remembered   the tree-planting ceremony in the town.
                                            how the Sages elucidated the verse,    It was rumored that Rav Kook had predicted
                                            “Follow  the Eternal your G-d... and cling to   that the name Magdiel would not last. And
                                            Him” (Deuteronomy 13:5). They asked:   in fact, in 1964, the town of Magdiel was
                                                                                   combined with its neighboring towns, and
                                            Is it possible for flesh and blood to   the new municipality was renamed “Hod
                                            ascend to the heavens and cling to the   Hasharon.”
                                            Shechinah, about Whom it is written,
                                            “For the Eternal your G-d is a consuming   Rabbi Tzvi Yehudah Kook related that, soon
                                                                                   after this event, he received a letter from a
                                            fire” (Deuteronomy 4:24)?              resident of Netanya. For many years, the author
                                                                                   of the letter had studied his father’s books,
             abbi    Gold    (1889-1956),   Rather, understand the verse as follows:   which he  found very inspiring.  But when he
             a leader of the Mizrachi       At the beginning of creation, the Holy   heard a rumor that Rav  Kook predicted the
      R movement, once accompanied          One engaged in planting, as it says, “G-d   neighboring town of Magdiel would “be erased
      the Chief Rabbi to the community of   planted a garden in Eden” (Genesis 2:8).  from the map,” he found this so disturbing that
      Magdiel  in the Sharon area.                                                 he stopped studying the rabbi’s writings.
                                            Similarly, when you enter in the Land
      The rabbis were invited to plant saplings   of Israel, you should first engage in   Following the 1964 municipality change, the
                                                                                   Netanya resident offered his apologies. He
      in  an  official  ceremony  to  inaugurate  a   planting, as it is written, “When you will   now understood how Rav Kook’s prediction
      new forest.                           come into the Land, you shall plant all types   was fulfilled, as only the name Magdiel was
                                            of fruit trees” (Leviticus 19:23). (Vayikra   erased from the map, with Hod Hasharon
      As Rav Kook was handed a sapling to   Rabbah 25:3)                           taking  its  place.  He  expressed  his  sincere
      plant, Rabbi Gold was amazed to see                                          regrets, promising to once again study the Rav’s
      the rabbi’s reaction. His face shone like   “When I grasped that tender sapling   writings.
      a burning torch, and his entire body   in my hands and prepared to plant it in
      quivered with excitement. He did not   the holy earth,” Rav Kook continued,
      use the hoe he had been given, but knelt   “I contemplated these words of the   Rabbi Chanan Morrison is the author of
      down to the  soil and dug a  hole in the   Sages. I felt as if, at that very moment, I   several books on Rav Kook's writings
      earth with his bare hands.            was clinging to the Shechina, and I was

      Background illustration of Rav Kook courtesy of                                  15
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