Page 5 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 5

Rabbi Reuven Taragin                                     Rabbanit Shani Taragin

                                                Shabbat Shira:

                               SONG OF MILK AND HONEY

              n Shabbat Shira (which always   with milk and honey.” This expression   2  Judges 5.
              coincides with the week of Tu   appears 16 times in the Torah and five   3  Exodus 15:17.
     O BiShvat), we read Shirat HaYam       times in Nevi’im (Prophets).  Perhaps   4  The Ashkenazi custom is to begin from chapter
      – the Song of the Sea,  praising G-d for   from the outset, after 20 years of   4; the Sephardi custom is to begin directly with
      miraculously saving us from the charging   Canaanite oppression, this is an allusion   the song in chapter 5.
      Egyptian  army. The  haftarah  reading is   that the blessings of the Land will finally   5  See Hadar Zekeinim on Genesis 35:8.
      Shirat Devorah, a similar national military   be restored through Devorah’s Divine   6  Genesis 35:8.
      song after vanquishing the Canaanite   inspiration!                          7  Reflective of both opinions in the Mechilta
      forces.                                                                      of  Rashbi  (13:5)  regarding  the  interpretation
                                            As we continue the story, this message   of “Land of Milk and Honey.” Rabbi Eliezer
      As we sing in  Shirat HaYam of        is further enhanced. We hear of the    maintains that both the milk and honey are from
      independence and eventual ‘planting’ in   miraculous  mayhem   that  led  to  the   fruits; the honey from dates. Rabbi Akiva posits
      the Land:                             defeat of the Canaanite chariots near   that the blessing of milk is from animals and the
                                                                                   honey from bees.
       ך ְּ ת ְ ב ׁ ִ ש ְ ל  ן ֹוכ ָ מ ך ְ ת ָ ל ֲ חַנ  ר ַ ה ְּ ב   ֹומ ֵ ע ָּ ט ִ ת ְ ו  ֹומ ֵ א ִ ב ְּ ת  Mount Tabor, followed by Yael’s heroic   8  Only once – in the narrative of Datan and Aviram
                                            assassination of Sisera, the Canaanite
                                 .'ה  ָ ת ְ ל ַ ע ָּ פ                       11    (Numbers 16) – is it mentioned in reference to
                                            general, by offering him milk to drink.  Egypt.
      “You will bring them and implant      She thereby merits the praise of Devorah   9  Similar allusions to honey may be found in the
      them  on the  mount  of  Your heritage,   and Barak in song  – “By women in   parasha as well, for example, Exodus 15:27 – “And
      the foundation of your dwelling place   the tent will she be blessed.” How? By   they came to Eilim, where there were 12 springs
                                                                                   of water, and 70 palm trees; and they encamped
      that You, G-d have made.”  We hear a   providing for peaceful settlement in the   there by the waters.” And 16:31 – “And the house
      connection to Tu BiShvat – the time for   Land through the women of milk and   of Israel called the name thereof manna; and it was
      planting and calculating the growth of   honey!                              like coriander seed, white; and the taste of it was
      trees in Eretz Yisrael.                                12                    like wafers made with honey.”
                                            The Chatam Sofer  explains that the    10  Interestingly, in both Exodus 14:24 and Judges
      But when we read the haftarah,  the Land   Land of Israel is blessed with milk and   4:15, the same expression is used – 'ה ם ָ הָּי ַ ו, “and
      imagery is more direct and the blessings   honey to remind us that just as Torah is   G-d confounded.”
      of Eretz Yisrael resonate loud and clear.   compared to milk and honey,  because   11  Judges 4:19 and 5:24-25.
      The narrative begins with Devorah, a   it enhances the body and soul with all   12  Chiddushei Chatam Sofer, Gemara Chulin 71b.
      prophetess who sits under a palm tree   its words, so does the fruit of the Land   13  Shir HaShirim Rabbah 1:3.
      near Beit-El.                         nourish our entire being. Indeed, the last
                                            letters of the words  ׁש ָ ב ְ דּו  ב ָ ל ָ ח  ת ַ ב ָז spell
      Our initial association  is  with another   ַ ת ָּ ב ַ ׁש (Shabbat). Israel’s produce is so
      Devorah, Rivka's nursemaid, who was   bountiful that every day of the week here
      buried under a tree in Beit-El as Ya’akov   is like Shabbat!
      returns to his homeland.  Hence, the
      name Devorah conjures up images of    How appropriate that we enter Tu
      milk  (associated  with  nursing)  and   BiShvat to celebrate the Land of Israel’s   Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
      honey (Devorah means  bee in  Hebrew,   blessings – trees, fruit, milk and honey et   Director of World Mizrachi and
      as well as her sitting under the date   al – after singing the songs of milk and   Religious Zionists of America-Mizrachi.
      palm).                                honey on Shabbat, praising and thanking
                                            G-d for the marvels and miracles of    She directs the Bellows Eshkolot and
      This of course reminds us of the special   Eretz Yisrael!                    Mizrachi Lapidot Educators' Programs in
      blessing bestowed upon Eretz Yisrael                                         Matan and teaches in various women's
      as  ׁש ָ ב ְ דּו  ב ָ ל ָ ח ת ַ ב ָז ץ ֶ ר ֶ א,  a  “Land  flowing   1  Exodus 15.  higher educational institutions in Israel.

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