Page 27 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 27

David M. Weinberg

      Listen to Our Tomatoes

             he oranges, eggplants and      For example, in the 12th century, we   Grow  even in  the  shemita  year,  even
             tomatoes of the Land of Israel   heard reports that ‘they are coming.’ 300   using the  heter mechira.  Grow, impart
     T are bearers of a Divine message:     Tosafists came from the Rhineland, but   your bounty, grow!’
      G-d has re-juiced the Land so that all   no more.
      His children can come home and live in                                       We did so in abundance. We gave forth
      plenty. Here is their Tu BiShvat call to   False alarms continued. Nachmanides   almond, apple, apricot, banana, barely,
      action; a “letter from a tomato”:     arrived in 1267, Ovadia of Bartenura   cabbage,  cherry,  chickpea,  date,  fig,
                                            in 1492, Yehuda HaChassid and his      grapefruit, guava, kiwi, lemon, lychee,
      “We, the vegetables and fruits of the   followers in 1700, then the students   mango, melon, peach, pear, plum, radish,
      Land of Israel, want Jews to know what   of the Baal Shem Tov and the students   squash, watermelon and so much more!
      a dramatic transformation has been    of the Vilna Gaon. But we received no
      wrought over the past century in our   green light from G-d to begin growing   And oh, what fantastic vineyards we
      subterranean world.                   again.                                 have given to modern Israel, from which
                                                                                   world-class and holy wine is being
      After the destruction of the Second   So, we, the fruits of the Land of Israel,   vinified! Isn’t this just amazing?”
      Jewish Commonwealth in 70 CE, all     waited and waited. We hoped and prayed
      plants in this land received a directive   for the return of this land’s indigenous
      from Heaven to stop growing. A slumber   people.
      was slapped on the Land of Israel. We                                        Rabbi Abba taught (Sanhedrin 98a) that
      would only be allowed to rev up our   Then,  toward  the  end  of  the  19th   “There is no greater sign of redemption
      biological engines and begin producing   century, rumors again began to race   than the agricultural re-blooming of the
      anew when the Jewish people would     beneath the surface of the earth. Birds   Land  of  Israel”  (ה ֶּז ִ מ  ּ ה ֶ ל ֻ ג ְ מ ץ ֵ ק ך ְ ל ןי ֵ א).
      return and upon direct instruction from   flying overhead and clouds cruising the   Rabbi Yoel Sirkis (Bach on Tur Orach
      the Almighty.                         skies said: ‘They are coming.’ And then   Chaim 208) wrote that the  Shechina,
                                            the great command came directly from   the Divine Presence, enters the Jewish
      We were very sad to  see  our people   G-d: ‘O mountains of Israel, shoot forth   soul through the agricultural produce of
      going off into exile,  but we heeded the   your branches, and yield your fruit to   Eretz Yisrael.
      word of G-d. We also knew that He had   My people Israel; for they are at hand to
      forewarned of this in Leviticus (26:32),   come’ (Ezekiel 36:8). Grow! Respond   The far-sighted Jerusalem educator
      telling the Jews that if they messed up,   to the work of their hands! Make Israel   Rabbi Sholom Gold (from whom I have
      exile would ensue and that He ‘would   great again.                          adapted the bulk of the talking tomato
      make the land desolate.’                                                     narrative above)  offers  this razor-sharp
                                            You  should  have  seen  the  joy  beneath   religious advice: “If you want to speak to
      Furthermore, we were told not to      the surface. There hadn’t been such    G-d, go to the Western Wall. But if you
      respond with any enthusiasm to Israel’s   activity in millennia. We awoke from   want to see Him, go to shuk Machane
      enemies. Over the centuries there     hibernation,  stretched  our  roots and   Yehuda.”
      were many foreign occupiers: Romans,   smiled.  We  were  directed  to turn  arid
      Byzantines, Moslems, Crusaders, Turks   and nearly dead Israel into a verdant,
                                                                                   1  A special halachic leniency for the sabbatical year.
      and more. They all invaded but we did   fruitful, agricultural world superpower.
      not react to their attempts to bring us to
      life. The land remained barren.       And the Lord further instructed us:    David M. Weinberg is vice president
                                            ‘Don’t check the tzitzit of these returning   of the Jerusalem Institute for Strategic
      There were moments when we thought    Jews. It makes no difference whether   Studies
      our  misery  was  coming  to  an  end.  We   they are religious or not. They are My
      thought our children were coming home.   children and they are coming home.
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