Page 31 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 31

Midrashot in Israel • Midreshet HaRova

                                                                               Rabbi David Milston

                                            The Wonder

                                                            of Winter

     Midreshet HaRova                              u BiShvat is rich in symbolism.   us note that winter robbed us of our
     Being located in Jerusalem’s Old City, the    For example, Rav Shimshon       fruit and colorful leaves. The storms
     Midrasha offers an unparalleled atmosphere for a  T Raphael Hirsch says that Tu   and cold broke branch after branch,
     challenging Judaic Studies curriculum integrated   BiShvat celebrates the beginning of   twig after twig, leaving the trees
     with a complete Israel experience.     spring while still in the first half of the   enshrouded in ice and snow.
     Overseas Program                       winter!                                But if we look carefully enough,
     We offer an intensive, high-level program in a   This message is so significant. It   we  will  be  able  to  ignite  our  hopes
     strongly Zionist environment.  The international   teaches  us  that  the  gentle  awakening   and   dreams by celebrating   our
     character  of  the  student  body and  the  open   of spring begins its hidden work in the   silent rebirth in defiance of nature’s
     intellectual environment, combined with the   middle of the bleak embrace of winter;   onslaught. The old leaves and fruits
     wide variety of faculty, is particularly attractive   silently, softly  and hidden from view.   are surely gone but the blossoms of
     to the creative student interested in exploring a   The fresh new sap flows through the   the future are within our grasp.
     range of ideas and approaches.         trees in readiness for the coming of
     Experience Israel                      spring.  Under  the  torn,  cold  bark,   …The twigs and branches broken by
     Students are encouraged to experience Israel to   fresh life is pulsating. The winter is no   the  storms  were  already  dry,  brittle
     the fullest. Overseas students often share rooms   graveyard. It is the source of life.  and lifeless but their inner core
     with Israeli students, and participate in activities                          remained alive and fresh. They will
     with Israelis. Programs focusing on current   As Rav Hirsch so poetically describes   always weather the storm, just as
     events and the political situation in Israel are a   it, “…Men and nations are bent by   our people will survive the terrors
     regular part of the program, as well as an annual   sorrow, pain and grief. They had   of historical night. Our strength is
     Masa to Poland.                        harbored beautiful dreams of their     found not in the transient part of the
                                            future, proudly wearing the crown      trees, the rustling crown or adornment
     Leadership and Community               of their efforts, intoxicated with the   of branches, twigs and leaves. Our
     The full Midrasha program includes volunteer   unlimited power of their might and   eternal foundation is a place that
     work in the broader community, special tiyulim,   deeds. A violent force robbed them   weather and storms cannot reach.”
     shabbatot  and  seminars,  and  other  projects   of their fruits and the storms of life
     encouraging students to experience and   smashed their flourishing hope and   Says the Admor of Chortkov,  “Israel
     understand contemporary Israeli society.   joy, destroying the glitter of their   is  that  tree. During this long  winter
                                            society, breaking the halo of their    of exile, the tree is often exposed.
     The Educational Leadership program encourages   power and might and leaving them   Its  leaves have fallen and  storms  of
     motivated students to combine their personal   poor and defenseless.          tragedy and war have almost uprooted
     educational exploration with the necessary skills                             us. Yet from this very darkness –
     to lead others.                        Not a single blossom is within sight.   perhaps because of this darkness – the
                                            No greenery heralds the coming of a    blossoming of Israel will surely come.
     Midreshet HaRova strives to treat all students   new future. But we misunderstand!   The redemption will indeed arrive.”
     as individuals in an environment in which each   We fail to look within ourselves, to
     woman can maximize her potential. We aim to   realize the Source from which all help   We know that spring will follow
     teach not what to think but how to think.                                     winter. Because of winter. Our faith
                                            emanates and where hope, strength
                                            and life blossom.                      teaches us we just can’t have one
                                                                                   without the other.
                                            And so on this day we must leave our
                                            homes shaken by winter storms and
                                            tempests. We should behold the trees   1  See Collected Writings, Volume 2 – Shvat 2
                                            on their birthday with the objective of   and Shvat 5.
             Midreshet HaRova               self-inspiration.                      2  Rav David Moshe Friedman, 1828-1903.
     50 Chabad Street, Old City, Jerusalem  Let us remember those days of beauty
     +972-2-626-5970             when we were decorated with fruits,   Rabbi David Milston is the Rosh
                    leaves, branches and twigs, and let    Midrasha at Midreshet HaRova
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