Page 34 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 34

Rabbanit Malke Bina

      Zimrat HaAretz


              t the end of my first year of    ך ָּ ת ִ א ך ֲ ע ְ ר ַז ְ לּו ך ְ ל  ם ָ ה ָ ר ְ ב ַ א ת ַּ כ ְ ר ִּ ב  ת ֶ א ך ְ ל  ן ֶּ תִי ְ ו  “I Myself will go down with you to Egypt
              studying in Israel I was going    םי ִ קלֹ ֱ א  ן ַ ת ָנ ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א    ךי ֶ ר ֻ ג ְ מ ץ ֶ ר ֶ א  ת ֶ א  ך ְּ ת ְ ׁש ִ ר ְ ל  and I Myself will also bring you back.”
      A back to the US for the summer.                                 .ם ָ ה ָ ר ְ ב ַ א ְ ל  (Ibid. 46:4).
      I went to say goodbye to  my  teacher,
      Rabbi Mordechai Breuer zt”l. “Malke,”   “And He will grant the blessing of   The  psukim  tell  us  that Ya’akov  took
      he said, “Take the best of the Land of   Avraham to you and your offspring that   ן ַ ע ַנ ְּ כ  ץ ֶ ר ֶ א ְּ ב  ּו ׁש ְ כ ָ ר  ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א ם ָ ׁשּוכ ְ ר,  “…the
      Israel with you, praise Eretz Yisrael   you may possess the Land where you   wealth that they had amassed in the land
      and tell people about its greatness.” He   are sojourning, which G-d assigned to   of Cana’an.”  (Ibid. 46:6). Rashi explains
      explained that this was the message   Avraham.” (Genesis 28:4)               that Ya’akov gave all he had acquired
      Ya’akov gave to his sons as they went   The Ramban explains that the blessings   in Padan Aram to Esav, in payment
      down to Egypt for the second time to   of prosperity will be fulfilled in the   for his share of  Ma’arat HaMachpelah.
      meet Yosef:                                                                  Possessions he obtained outside the
                                            Land of Israel and that it will belong to   Land were of no value to him.
      “Then their father Israel said to them,   Ya’akov.  After leaving Beer Sheva and
      ‘If it must be so do this: take some of   setting out for Charan, Ya’akov stops   Today we are incredibly blessed to be
      the choice products of the land in your   for the night and has his famous ladder   living in a time when we have Eretz
      baggage and carry them down as a gift for   dream. Why was this stop so significant?   Yisrael and Medinat Yisrael, something
      the man – some balm  and some honey,   Perhaps Ya’akov was reluctant to leave   our grandparents and great-grandparents
      gum, ladanum, pistachio.’”            Israel without a promise that he would   could only dream of. Tu BiShvat reminds
                                            return. G-d, present at the top of the   us of that blessing every year – we
      Ya’akov chose gifts that symbolized the   ladder, understands his fears and assures   witness the land renewing itself and
      best of the Land –  miZimrat haAretz –   him he will.                        we observe  halachot that can only be
      products home grown in Cana’an.                                              performed here.
                                            Twenty years later, G-d tells Ya’akov
      As Rabbi Breuer said to me, we must   to return to the Land of his fathers and   Like Ya’akov, we should always bring
      always praise our Land and rejoice    promises  to  be  with him  (Ibid.  31:3).   the ‘wealth’ of Eretz Yisrael and  zimrat
      in its bounty. That’s what we do on   When Ya’akov arrives in Shechem, he    haAretz with us wherever in the world
      Tu BiShvat, when we celebrate the     immediately purchases the land where   we may be. For me that includes not only
      beginning of a “new year” for trees, when   he pitched his tent (Ibid. 33:19):  the  produce,  products,  innovations and
      the earliest blooming trees in the Land                                      spirit of Israel, but Torat Eretz Yisrael.
      of Israel emerge from their winter sleep   . ֹול ֳ ה ָ א ם ָ ׁ ש ה ָ ט ָנ ר ֶ ׁש ֲ א ה ֶ ד ָ ׂ ּ ש ַ ה ת ַ ק ְ ל ֶ ח ת ֶ א ן ֶ קִּי ַ ו  Matan brings opportunities for growth
      and begin a new fruit bearing cycle.   Through this concrete act, he was     in  Torah scholarship  and  leadership
      Every year I notice with excitement the   staking claim to the Land and      for women in Israel and worldwide. My
      white and pink blossoms of the almond   demonstrating its status as homeland to   fervent wish is that like the blossoms on
      trees beginning to appear –  ה ָּי ִ ד ֵ ק ְ ׁ ּ ש ַ ה     Am Yisrael.       the trees at the time of Tu BiShvat, Am
      ת ַ ח ַ ר ֹו ּ פ – and the laws connected to the                             Yisrael will continue to renew itself and
      holiday come alive.                   The second time Ya’akov and his family   flourish through Limmud Torah in Eretz
                                            leave Cana’an is at Yosef’s behest,    Yisrael and beyond.
      Let us return to Eretz Yisrael and Ya’akov   and  to  save the  family  from  famine.
      Avinu. Although living in Eretz Yisrael is   Again it seems he is not prepared to   1  Genesis 46:11.
      central in his life, he has to leave twice.   leave without reassurance that future
      First, Yitzchak and Rivka instruct him to   generations will return. He stops in Beer
      go to Padan Aram, to  escape  from Esav   Sheva where G-d tells him:         Rabbanit Malke Bina is the founder of
      while  taking the  opportunity  to find  a                                   the Matan Women's Institute for Torah
      suitable wife. Yitzchak promises:      .הלֹ ָ ע ם ַ ג ך ְ ל ַ ע ַ א י ִ כֹנ ָ א ְ ו ה ָ מְי ַ ר ְ צ ִ מ ך ְּ מ ִ ע ד ֵ ר ֵ א י ִ כֹנ ָ א  Studies
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