Page 39 - HaMizrachi #6 TuBishvat 5779
P. 39

Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi

                        A CRASH COURSE IN

                                  Jewish Eating

              ow  does  one  arouse  the    We receive the main novelty inherent   When do we  receive joy  and
              power of growth? Through      in the month of Shvat from the bracha   happiness? In the  bracha of  ה ָי ְ ה ִנ לֹ ּ כ ַ ה ֶ ׁש
      H bracha,        blessing.  Bracha    over the fruits of Eretz Yisrael, the   ֹור ָ ב ְ ד ִּ ב – that everything came into
      upgrades all of reality and particularly   Land beyond time –  “the eyes of G-d   being with His word, because this is
      your own private reality. To know how   are always on it, from the beginning   the  bracha that contains everything.
      to bless is to know how to add a new   of  the year to  the  end  of  the year.”   2  We all know people – and maybe
      dimension to reality.                 When you eat fruits from Eretz Yisrael,   ourselves sometimes – who have

      When you hold an apple and eat it     you are consuming a part of Divine     everything yet are not happy. Many
                                                                                   people are married, but not happy;
      without a bracha, what are you eating?   Providence, G-d’s benevolent and    have children, but are not happy; make
      An apple. With Vitamin C, Vitamin A   watchful eye.                          a good living, but are not happy.
      and other nutrients.
                                            How does one make the bracha?
                                                                                   לֹ ּ כ ַ ה ֶ ׁש  is  really  everything.  When
      But when you hold the apple and       Hold the fruit in your right hand. Look   making this  bracha you think to
      make  the  blessing  ּוני ֵ קלֹ ֱ א  'ה  ה ָּ ת ַ א  ךּור ָּ ב   at it when you make the blessing. And   yourself,  “Creator of the Universe, I
      ץ ֵ ע ָ ה י ִ ר ְּ פ א ֵ ר ֹו ּ ב  ם ָ ל ֹוע ָ ה ך ֶ ל ֶ מ, “Blessed are     want to be happy with what I have and
      You, our G-d, King of the Universe,   put your intention into the  bracha:  “I   with what I don’t have.”
      who creates the fruit of the tree”, you   hereby intend to increase light and
      will then not only be eating an apple   happiness in the world!”             And one final word about brachot, from
      but consuming joie de vivre, health,   Why?                                  the Pele Yoetz:  “One should be fearful
      charm and success, and not just for                                          of putting something in one’s mouth
      your body but for your children too,   Says Rabbi Wolbe: All darkness in the   without a bracha, for if one steals from
      for the  bracha expands all of your   world comes from the lack of blessing.   a king, the punishment is death; how
      surroundings.                         Therefore, when you say  “Blessed      much more so if one steals from the
                                                                                   King of Kings, by not saying a bracha.
                                            are You,” the word You causes G-d
      That is why they are called  ת ֹוכ ָ ר ְּ ב                                  And food and drink are food for the
      ןי ִנ ֱ ה ֶּנ ַ ה, blessings of enjoyment, or   to be present where you are, as you   body, and  brachot are food for the
      benefit, says Rabbi Shlomo Wolbe.  1   acknowledge Him. And then, instead    soul, which spread abundance on your
      Everybody benefits from your  bracha.   of darkness, you will feel the light of   eating and drinking,  ‘because Man
      And the Mesillat Yesharim writes      His face and His blessing upon you.    cannot live on bread alone, but from
      (chapter 1) that when a person makes   And then you eat and win the lottery!   everything that emanates from the
      a blessing, their entire environment is   As it says in  Birkat HaMazon (Grace   mouth of G-d does Man live’ – from
      raised with them.                                                            the bracha.”
                                            After Meals), G-d sustains you with
      In other words, when you make a       charm, kindness, welfare, mercy and    In other words, it is the  bracha, the
      bracha  at  home,  suddenly  your  son  in   with many nutrients and vitamins,   blessing – not the eating – that gives us
      school remembers a correct answer in   including:                            health and life itself!
      his test. Your husband suddenly feels a                                      May we all be blessed.
      rush of energy at work. A car brakes to   •   Vitamin A – Ahava (love)
      avoid a child on your street. The bracha   •   Vitamin B –  Bitachon (security in
      you make perpetuates the good in the      G-d)                               1  Alei Shor Vol. 2.
      world, elevates it and adds to it. As Rav                                    2  Devarim 11:12.
      Chaim of Volozhin writes in Nefesh    •   Vitamin C – Celebration            3  By Rabbi Eliezer Papo, published in 1824.
      HaChayim,  ךּור ָּ ב is not an expression
      of request as we are accustomed to    •   Vitamin D –  Dibbur (speaking)     Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi  is a
      think, but an expression of increase      about    blessing,  abundance,     popular Israeli teacher, speaker and
      and multiplicity.                         redemption and renewal             writer

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