Page 10 - HaMizrachi_Tu_Bishvat_2020_USA_HP_Neat
P. 10


                                                                                  Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon                                                              Rabbanit Sharon Rimon

                      Reading Newspapers

                                   on Shabbat

      ME’IKAR HADIN, READING                people are in a similar position, always   they wouldn’t be able to produce them
      NEWSPAPERS IS PERMITTED               on the lookout for good deals and      without that income. Still, it would
                                            offers, i.e. they wouldn’t be able not to   be worth having clear guidelines: the
            he   Yavetz   discusses  the    look at the ads, “so it would be correct   majority of the publication should
            question of whether it is       to forbid it entirely.”                be  divrei Torah, prices should not be
     Tpermitted to read papers on                                                  stated  (or in small  print  at  the  foot
      Shabbat. He writes that in light of the   From his comments, it seems that he   of the ad), preferably the publishers
      Terumat HaDeshen’s comments, that     is particularly stringent with business-  should assess the ads first and give pri-
      people can chat about the news if they   people, who have a special interest in   ority to those that strengthen Judaism
      enjoy it, it appears that it is certainly   commercial ads. However, today in   (like ads for new books, etc.) rather
      permissible to read newspapers if a   many ways we are all considered busi-  than those that deal purely with busi-
      person enjoys reading them.           nesspeople and so we also have an
                                            interest in these ads.                 ness and totally secular matters. Sim-
                                                                                   ilarly, it would be preferable if all the
      HOWEVER, IT IS FORBIDDEN TO           Following the Yavetz’s ruling, the     ads were concentrated in two-three
      READ ADVERTISEMENTS AND               Mishna Berura rules (307:63) that      or however many pages, so that the
      ABOUT FINANCIAL TOPICS                one should not read newspapers on      divrei Torah would stand alone, with-
      Indeed, the Yavetz continues by saying                                       out ads on the page. In this way, one
      that there is an argument to forbid   Nevertheless, since the main problem   could only read the divrei Torah pages
      the reading of newspapers on Shabbat   is reading about business and econom-  on Shabbat and leave the ads till after
      because of the adverts and the com-   ics,  the  Shemirat  Shabbat  KeHilchata   Shabbat.
      mercial content.                      (29:46) rules that one is allowed to   As far as readers are concerned, try
                                            read papers on Shabbat, if one is care-
      Chazal forbade looking at “layperson’s   ful not to look at ads, classifieds, etc.  not  to  read  ads  on  Shabbat,  and  cer-
      documents” (e.g. accounts, prices,                                           tainly  not  prices  and  costs.  Likewise,
      etc. ) on Shabbat, and thus it is cer-  Despite the leniencies, it is worthy   be wary of turning our shuls into non-
      tainly forbidden to read those parts in   not to read newspapers on Shabbat,   holy places, and preserving the service
      the paper dealing with business, such   because  Shabbat  is  a  day  distinct   as it should be. Hence, I would recom-
      as the financial section and the ads.  from the rest of the week, designed   mend distributing these sheets after
                                            for Torah study and spiritual pur-     the service outside the actual sanctu-
      In light of the Yavetz’s ruling, it is clear   suits rather than catching up on the   ary, so that people can take them, if
      that one shouldn’t read the ads in the   news, which – if one must – should   they want, to read at home.
      papers or in the  Parashat HaShavua   be kept to a minimum.
      sheets (particularly those dealing with
      secular topics such as trips overseas,   PARASHAT HASHAVUA SHEETS            1   The Rambam is of the view that the
      real estate, hotel offers, etc.)                                                prohibition is because he may come to
                                                                                      erase, while the Rosh, in the name of Rabbi
                                            In light of the above, it would be        Yitzchak, holds that the prohibition is from
      IT IS BEST TO LIMIT ONE'S READING     best if there were no ads at all in our   the law of preparing things that are forbidden
      OF NEWSPAPERS ON SHABBAT              Parashat HaShavua sheets. Moreover,       to do on Shabbat even if the actual action
                                            there is another problem – bringing       will be done on a weekday. One can explain
                                                                                      this opinion in that although it is permitted
      The Yavetz also addresses the ques-   commercial items into the shul, since     for someone to think about his business on
      tion of whether one can read papers on   “one  should  not  make calculations in   Shabbat, reading is a more significant and
      Shabbat without reading the ads?      them [shuls]” (Shulchan Aruch 151:1).     obvious action than thinking, and so Chazal
                                                                                      forbade it.
      Chazal teach us that we should “keep   However, it is very difficult to abide by
      the Nazirite away from the vineyard”   these demands in our times, because   Rabbi Yosef Zvi Rimon is Head of Mizrachi’s
      so he shouldn’t be tempted to eat the   it’s the ads that fund the publication   Shalhevet Educational Advisory Board and
      grapes. The Yavetz says that business   of the sheets in the first place, and   Chairman of Sulamot

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