Page 12 - HaMizrachi_Tu_Bishvat_2020_USA_HP_Neat
P. 12

Rabbi Shalom Rosner

      Count your Blessings

      and Make your Blessings Count

                hen the average non-        bless before a pleasure, so too we bless   to achieve G-dliness, that is the matir,
                farmer  thinks   of  Tu     before each mitzvah.”                  that is what allows us to then perform
      WBiShvat, his thoughts are                                                   the mitzvah.
      generally limited to the omission of   Why does the Rambam link these
      tachanun and the realization that we   last two? He could have just listed all   Thus, it is exactly parallel to berachot
      are a month away from Purim. But      three, and it seems as though these    on food and aromas. Just as we require
      as we know, every special occasion    two are so different from each other.  a matir to partake of the pleasures of
      in Judaism has special meaning and    A  beracha on a pleasure is described   the physical world, so too we require a
      purpose,  and  thus  it  behooves  us  to   by the  commentaries as a  matir, a   matir to partake of the spiritual bliss
      uncover  and glean a  message for our   declaration which then allows me     which is an outgrowth of each and
      urban society as well.                to partake of the item. Really, the    every mitzvah.
      Tu BiShvat, as we know, has halachic   entire world belongs to G-d. Once I   Someone once came to Rav Shlomo
      ramifications for laws of  orla and   acknowledge His dominion, I am then    Zalman Auerbach, asking for a segula
      ma’asrot, laws  related  to the fruits   allowed to partake of His world. What   for salvation. How many fast days?
      of the Land of Israel. There is a     does that have to do with a  beracha   How many repetitions of  Tehillim?
      fascinating  comparison  found  in  the   before a mitzvah? That seems to have   He replied, “I am not a segula man. I
      Rambam that can give us a meaningful   nothing to do with the  matir idea?!   cannot tell you about non-halachic
      insight into each and every mitzvah we   It’s just a preparation to perform the   strategies. But what I try to do when
      perform. The Rambam  writes that      mitzvah!                               I need salvation is to say my berachot
      there are three types of berachot.                                           with kavana (intention).” He knew the
                                            Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik presents
      The first is ה ָ א ָ ד ֹוה ְ ו ח ַ ב ֶ ׁש ת ַּ כ ְ ר ִּ ב, berachot   an  ingenious  and  breathtaking  secret of each and every beracha.
      of praise and thanksgiving. These     answer. Yes, even berachot on mitzvot   On  this  Tu  BiShvat,  let  us  renew  our
      are all reactionary to an amazing     function as  matirim. After all,  who   energies to focus and improve our
      Divine event or experience. Hearing   are we, finite human beings of flesh   kavana when we recite all types of
      thunder,  seeing  a  rainbow, using  the   and blood, who presume to draw    berachot,  and  let  us  allow  ourselves
      bathroom, are all events which require   close to the Infinite through physical   to be shaped not only by the  mitzvot
      the Jew to acknowledge the Divine     actions and verbal speech? What        that we do, but by the berachot which
      involvement in all  of the above. The   gives us the audacity to try to close   precede them.
      second type,  ןיִנ ֲ הְנ ַ ה  ת ַּ כ ְ ר ִּ ב, are  berachot   the gap between the created and the
      recited before we indulge in pleasure   Creator, between one whose days are
      – eating, drinking, smelling. Finally,   numbered and the One who created    1   Hilchot Berachot.
      the Rambam presents the third type    days? It seems presumptuous to even
      of  beracha, those recited before     try!
      performing a  mitzvah. But instead of
      just listing this third type, he links   That’s the function of a beracha. Once
      category three with category two.     I acknowledge the relationship between
                                            commanded and Commander, and           Rabbi Shalom Rosner is a Rebbe at Yeshivat
      לֹ ּ כ ל ַ ע  ןי ִ כ ְ ר ָ ב ְ מ ך ָּ כ ,היינהה  ל ַ ע  ןי ִ כ ְ ר ָ ב ְּ מ ֶ ׁש ם ֵ ׁש ְ כּו   I express my recognition that this is   Kerem B’Yavneh and Rabbi of the Nofei
      ּ ה ָ תֹוא ה ֶ ׂש ֲ עַי  ּ כ" ַ ח ַ א ְ ו ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מּו ה ָ ו ְ צ ִ מ. “Just as we   His  will  that  we  perform  His  mitzvot   HaShemesh community

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