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Rabbi Reuven Taragin Rabbanit Shani Taragin
eit Hillel and Beit Shammai before the Mishkan. Only Aharon, personally? As the blossom of the
debate the start date for the leader of the tribe of Levi, sees his staff shaked is imminent, will it herald
BNew Year for Trees in Shvat. 1 blossom with almonds, expressing Divine punishment or blessing?
Beit Shammai maintains that this new the Divine selection of leadership and The answer is apparently up to us –
year is just like the other three roshei salvation. through our perspectives and ensuing
shana – all of which begin on the first actions.
of the month. We are meant to cele- Similarly, in Yirmiyahu’s inaugural
brate at the time of the New Moon – address as a navi, his first vision is also Significantly, the 21-day blossoming
awaiting the potential of growth and a “makel shaked” – an almond staff. period from Tu BiShvat is completed
blossoming. This represents the forthcoming blos- on the 7th of Adar – the day of Moshe
soming of hastened punishment that Rabbeinu’s passing (and this year, the
Beit Hillel states that the New Year for G-d will bring upon Am Yisrael. The
Trees should be celebrated on the 15th same scenario of an almond staff is pre- day of our third election results in
Israel). This is a time of introspection
of Shvat, just as we commemorate the sented in the Torah as a mateh – a staff – of observation within and through-
agriculturally and historically oriented of leadership and miracles of redemp-
holidays of Pesach and Sukkot, both tion, and in Yirmiyahu as a makel – a out. This is the time we are meant to
of which begin on the 15th of their staff of punishment and rebuke. recognize our agricultural and nation-
al-historical responsibilities. This is the
respective months, Nissan and Tishrei.
Perhaps for this reason, G-d asks season of renewal in every respect – an
According to Hillel, we celebrate the Yirmiyahu, “Mah ata roeh?” – What do opportunity to start afresh and deter-
full moon, not the potential waxing, you see? How do you interpret the cur- mine the outcome of our actions.
but the fully manifested light, just as rent state of the people and the Divine
we celebrate more light on each night response? Yirmiyahu is requested to May this month herald the continued
of Chanukah. Tu BiShvat arrives to rains of late winter, and simultane-
teach us a message of agricultural and interpret, to take account of the reli- ously the warmth of spring and estab-
historical-national continuity, not gious-historical state of the nation, and lished government. As we take stock of
merely of beginning. Our Sages have deliver an appropriate message. ourselves over the next few weeks, we
told us to adopt Beit Hillel’s opinion for Rashi explains that the almond tree’s hope and pray that we properly respond
halachic practice while still appreciat- 21-day blossoming heralds the destruc- to our observations and reflections
ing the perspective of Beit Shammai. tion during Yirmiyahu’s time, in the and take advantage of the short-lived
almond blossoms to teach us authentic
The symbol for this season – as we 21 days between the 17th of Tammuz lessons of unity, growth and continuity.
sing and observe its white-blossomed and the 9th of Av – Bein HaMetzarim. May we sing HaShkediya Porachat with
beauty – is the shaked, the almond But then again, the almond heralds greater intent and national optimism as
tree, as Rav David Kimchi (RaDaK) the spring – the months of Adar and we renew ourselves and anticipate the
explains, the shaked is the first of the Nissan, the time for Geula – national rich and ripened fruits of our efforts.
trees to blossom, about two months redemption. As quickly as the punish-
prior to its peers, who merit the bless- ment arrives, so will the consolation
ing of the trees in the month of Nissan. and blessings for the future. 5 1 Mishna Rosh Hashanah 1:1.
This blossoming almond tree signi- We begin on the first of the month, as 2 Rosh Hashanah 14a – most of the rains
have come and now the fruit may blossom.
fies more than just an Israeli folk tune, Beit Shammai maintained, to set the 3 Shabbat 21b.
for its significance is expressed in the tone for the weeks to follow, awaiting 4 Yirmiyahu 1:12.
Torah and Nevi’im as well. potential blossoming. The 15 days prior 5 See Yirmiyahu 31:27.
Immediately following the dispute to Tu BiShvat allow us to ask ourselves
and punishment of Korach and his – mah anachnu ro’im? – what do we Rabbanit Shani Taragin is Educational
assembly for their attempt to usurp the see? As the moon waxes to comple- Director of Mizrachi and the Director of the
priesthood, G-d commands the tribal tion, we must ask ourselves how we are Mizrachi Matan Lapidot Educators’ Program
leaders to present their staffs (matot) progressing – religiously-nationally,
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