Page 52 - HaMizrachi_Tu_Bishvat_2020_USA_HP_Neat
P. 52


                                                                               Rabbi Barnea Levi Selavan

                            IT’S A DATE!

                hen I was a child, every Tu   Experts have now recreated the famed   And while some laws kicked in only
                BiShvat in Hillel Academy   Afarsimon-balsam tree here, whose      years later after we settled in, our
      Wof Pittsburgh we each got a          cosmetic  products  were  worth  more   first  obligations to keep  the sanctity
      little brown bag with a dried fruit and   than their weight in gold.         of the Land expressed in its produce
      nut  mix,  with  the  words,  “These  are                                    began here. The spies went up the
      the  fruits  of  Eretz  Yisrael.”  I  thought   The Jordan Valley is filled with   hills behind Jericho, where  the twin
      Israel had no fresh fruit. The little   extremely brave farmers living in    Hasmonean-Herodian       fortresses
      black Johnny Bread or bokser (carob)   challenging physical and political    of Kypros and Dok stand, while the
      piece always broke my teeth. Decades   conditions. They are making the Land   facing river bank and plain is where
      later in Israel I bit into a sweet carob   bloom with special products so you   Moshe had to turn around and ascend
      off the tree and instantly thought –   can enjoy Israel’s special fruits fresh or   Mount Nebo.
      how could I have grown up with such   preserved!
      a terrible impression when this is so   You can spend several days exploring   A  little  further  north  is  the  Sartaba
      heavenly!                             the Jordan Valley on Highway 90.       signal-fire mountain, a triangular-
                                                                                   like domed cone, from which they
      Today’s global market is challenging   Local dates and other products – even   announced  Rosh  Chodesh,  the  start
      Israeli agriculture by offering fruits   pineapples! –  are in stores right off   of the new month. Often “holes” near
      and vegetables from countries with    the road and in the various kibbutzim   the top are visible from the road –
      cheaper water and labor, so Israeli   and moshavim.                          huge Hasmonean water cisterns under
      farmers are constantly finding niches.                                       the hilltop palace. A great hike for
      White truffles in the Negev and the   Brown signs mark tourist sites, which   the hardy in cool weather – expect
      world’s best black truffle in the Golan   you will find along the length and   a two-hour walk up to the ruins and
      are  in development;  and  sabra,  jojoba   breadth of the highway  following the   stunning views; 1 hour down – even
      and argan oil products are for sale.   Jordan River. Start north from Zemach   children can do it.
      The Mount of Olives is really the best   Junction and drive south, or  from
      soil for olives. Israel is now home to   Highway 1 turn north. Dates, figs and   Look east to the Jabbok Passage
      over 300 wineries, many of which      grapes grow alongside the road, and    between the Gilead Mountains, with
      win international competitions and    the brown signs invite you to enter the   archaeological mounds rising in its
      are highly ranked by the world’s best   communities. You can also turn off   alluvial fan plain – biblical Sukkot,
      judges.  We  are  recreating  ancient   to Mount Gilboa’s scenic route, and   Adam and Zartan. Highway 57
      species found in excavations, and     into the springs, streams and fields of   connects the plains east of the Jordan,
      growing   organic  grapes   packed    the Jezreel and Bet Shean Valleys; the   where Ya'akov stayed with his flocks
      with nutrients. Pomegranates for      breadbasket of Israel, where Gideon    for 18 months, to Shechem, Mount
      eating, medicine and cosmetics; an    secretly winnowed his crops to hide    Gerizim and Mount Eval – this is the
      abundance of fig species with many    precious  grain from the  marauding    path Ya'akov Avinu took back into the
      uses; the “mother” of emmer wheat     Midianites  invading  frorn  the  desert   Land.
      was found preserved here, and a small   to feed off the Land’s fertility.
      Ella Valley patch makes high-quality   Near the southern junction, take the   The Jordan River Valley is oft-ignored
      barley exported to Italy for pasta.   Qasr al-Yahud turn east. In under      by  visitors  and  even  by  natives,  and
                                                                                   used merely as a pass-through. Stop
      Every part of the date benefits Man   five minutes, after a checkpoint, you   and take it in. Now in springtime
      – in food, clothing, shelter, furniture   will stand literally at the water’s edge,   the sides of the road are dotted with
      and more, and of course date honey    of the Yarden, the Jordan River. This   colorful flowers, which the summer
      and silan syrup. Two cities are known   whole area opposite Jericho, not this   tourists never see. Enjoy the blessings
      in our sources as the City of Dates –   spot alone, was our crossing zone from   of the Land and its special fruits!
      Zoar on the Dead Sea’s southeast side   the Plains of Moav into the Plains of   Rabbi Barnea Levi  Selavan  is Co-Director
      and  Jericho  on the  northwest.  This   Jericho  as  the  Jewish  people  entered   of Foundation  Stone, running educational
      region’s microclimate is exactly the   Israel 3,350 years ago. It was here we   programs in Israel and overseas, and a
      kind of agricultural niche Israel needs.   accepted responsibility for each other.   licensed archaeologist and tour guide
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