Page 48 - HaMizrachi_Tu_Bishvat_2020_USA_HP_Neat
P. 48


                                                                                      Rabbi Chaim Navon
        Perfect Nature

             and Cruel Man?

            ou surely know about the Cher-  righteous Moshe.” The Midrash is       Do not underestimate the protection
            nobyl nuclear disaster in 1986.   not warning us of disposable plastic   of the environment. As a conservative,
      YYou’ve  also  probably  heard        utensils, but is rather adopting a     I  identify  with  this  basic  intuition:
      about  the  disaster  at  the  Fukushima   classic Biblical warning: do not   our  world  is  vulnerable,  our  nature
      nuclear power plant in  Japan during   transgress the Word of G-d, because if   is sensitive, and it must be protected
      the 2011 tsunami. But if you have no   you sin, you and your children will die,   from so-called “progress.” It is a little
      particular interest in Chinese power   including the righteous among them.   surprising to me to see progressives
      plants, you probably haven’t heard of                                        who apply this thinking only to
      the disaster in Banqiao.              Does this mean that the Torah          caterpillars and glaciers, and not
                                            permits the destruction of the world
      A hydroelectric power plant was       in a careless manner? G-d forbid. The   to family and human society. For
      established at Banqiao Dam in         Torah prohibits uprooting fruit trees,   Man also has a nature, and it is also
      China to generate electricity from    and in  halacha there are warnings     in danger. Human society is also
      the water flow, which is the most     against hazards such  as industrial    vulnerable, and it must be guarded
      environmentally friendly way to       air pollution. What is unique about    against “progress.”
      generate electricity. In 1975, a failure   the Torah’s approach to this subject?   We should delineate two approaches
      in this dam resulted in the deaths    That it does not share the myth of
      of 171,000 people. 11 million people   perfect nature and cruel Man. It is not   to environmental protection. The first
      then lost their homes in floods. This is   true  that  before  there  was  Man,  the   focuses mainly on humans, and tries
      compared to the Fukushima incident,   cosmos existed in harmony, and it was   to determine what is beneficial and
      which directly resulted in just a few   only Man who destroyed everything.   what is harmful to our environment.
      fatalities.                           We know that the world has always      Clearly, air pollution is harmful;
                                                                                   destroying all forests will cause a
      Concerns about the environment must   suffered environmental disasters. It   disaster; effective solutions to excess
      not be neglected and should be clearly   wasn’t plastic bags that destroyed the   waste must be found.
      and thoroughly thought out. But this   dinosaurs.
      sometimes brings us to surprising     The Torah does not worship nature      The second approach speaks in almost
      conclusions. For example, the benefits   and does not see Man as a corrupt   spiritual terms: nature is sacred, the
      of nuclear power plants, which are    and  destructive  being.  In fact, the   cosmos  is  harmonious,  and  Man is
      relatively efficient and non-polluting,   Torah’s requirement to protect the   an infection that threatens it. At the
      do need to be considered in spite of   environment is because it enables     extreme end of this approach, you can
      the dangers.                                                                 even find acts of terror in the name
                                            life for Man. This can be seen in the   of environmental protection. The FBI
      The Midrash says: “When G-d created   halachic prohibition of cutting fruit   estimated that green terrorists caused
      the first man, He showed him the      trees. Botanically, all trees which have   $200 million in damage over a five-
      trees of Gan Eden and said: See all My   flowers produce some sort of fruits,   year period.
      work; all that I have created, I have   but if humans do not eat it, they are
      created for you. Be careful not to spoil   not considered “fruit trees.” The   If this is not a matter of rational
      and ruin My world for if you spoil it,   obligation to protect edible fruit trees,   considerations but a new religion of
      there is no-one to fix it for you.”  This   in particular, is not a permit to cut   nature worship, I already have my own
      Midrash has become popular among      down other trees, but an important     religion, and it’s a much better one.
      Jewish environmentalists in recent    declaration that the crown of creation
      years. It’s a pity it doesn’t really say   is the human being created in the
      what people think it says. The next   image of G-d, and the world must be    1   Kohelet Rabbah 7.
      line in the Midrash, which describes   preserved primarily for him. In the
      the results of the human breakdown,   words  of  the Midrash: “Everything I   Rabbi Chaim Navon is a renowned author
      says: “And you cause death to the     created, I created for you.”           and educator

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