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P. 60

Rabbi Ari Z. Zivotofsky
               MILK & HONE   ?Y

            he Land of Israel is praised in   since both honey and fig nectar are   Noting this, he proclaimed that this is
            various ways in the Bible. One   the sweet products of fruit, and often-  “Eretz zavat chalav uDevash.” So too,
     Tof the most popular phrases is        times devash in the Bible refers to any   Rav Yaakov ben Dostai reported walk-
      “Eretz zavat chalav uDevash” – a land   fruit extract. And  chalav, Rav Mar-  ing from Lod to Ono ankle-deep in fig
      flowing with milk and honey.          golis boldly suggests, is white wine,   honey.
                                            not the product of an animal’s udder.
      Most  commentators  understand  that   Rav Margolis cites the Targum to Shir   Bee’s honey or date honey, cow’s milk,
      the ambiguous term  devash refers     HaShirim  5:1,  where  chalav  is  trans-  goat’s milk or white wine, the Torah
      to date honey – a fruit extract.  Why   lated as white wine and demonstrates   praises the Land for the natural fer-
      does the Torah praise the Land for its   that in other contexts such a trans-  tility that exists when the Jews dwell
      date honey and not for its dates? This   lation makes sense as well. Hence,   there. “Eretz chalav uDevash” refers to
      is most likely because dates in Eretz   to Rav Margolis, when stating “Eretz   the commingling of animal products
      Yisrael  are  primarily  valued  for  their   chalav uDevash,” the Torah is praising   and  vegetation,  of  herders  and  farm-
      abundance of honey.                   the Land of Israel as a land of grape   ers. The images conjured by “zavat

      However, there are places in Tanach   and fig (products). Grapes and figs are   chalav uDevash” did not only serve to
                                                                                   “convince” the Jews of the goodness
      where  devash clearly refers to bee’s   also the first fruits of the Seven Spe-  of the Land prior to their arrival, but
      honey.                                cies. Rav Margolis’s interpretation is   are, in fact, reflective of the Land’s
                                            also consistent with the statement the
      Rashi  notes that all Biblical devash is   spies made upon their return from the   productivity.
      date honey. On the other hand, She’ei-  Land: “We arrived at the Land... and   In  the  Al  HaMichya  prayer,  we
      lot Uteshuvot Radvaz  suggests that   indeed it flows with milk and honey,   beseech G-d to let us eat from the
      devash in Tanach can refer to either   and this is its fruit.” Perhaps the ref-  fruits of the Land and enjoy their
      date  honey  or  bee’s  honey, while  in   erence to “milk and honey” was to the   goodness. May we all be privileged to
      rabbinic literature, it is always bee’s   grapes and figs the Torah records the   do so!
      honey.  Thus, according  to  Radvaz,  in   spies brought back with them.
      the phrase “Eretz zavat chalav uDe-                                          Adapted with permission from Jewish Action,
      vash,” the image of flowing honey can   The Talmud  relates that Reish Lakish   the magazine of the Orthodox Union (winter
      be either that of honeycombs melting   said: “I saw the milk and honey flow-  2005).
      in  the  hot  Mediterranean  sun  or,  as   ing near Tzippori and it was 16 mil by
      most of the commentators understand   16 mil. … Rabbah bar bar Chanah said
      it, dates or figs dripping nectar.    in the name of Rav Yochanan that he    1   Rashi to Shemot 13:5 and Devarim 26:2,
                                            saw the milk and honey of the entire      based on the Sifri, notes this. This is also
      In the Bible, milk usually  refers to   Land of Israel and it was 22 parsa long   clearly the understanding of the Talmud in
                                                                                      Berachot 41b. Targum Yonatan to Devarim
      that of either a goat or a cow.  Rav   by six parsa wide.”                      8:8 translates  devash as “dates that make
      Reuven Margolis  was troubled by sev-                                           honey.”
      eral points: the inclusion of an animal   Commenting on this, Rashi paints   2   See Shoftim 14:8, Tehillim 19:11 and
      product in a list of agricultural prod-  a picture of milk-laden goats eating   Yeshayahu 7:22.
      ucts; the juxtaposition of milk and   lush dates that drip honey. The honey   3   Berachot 41b.
      honey, a combination found nowhere    mixes with milk flowing from the       4   962.
      else in Tanach; the inclusion of date   goats and forms into a kind of stream.   5   See Devarim 32:14, Mishlei 27:27 and
                                                                                      Yeshayahu 7:21-22.
      honey, the last of the Seven Species,   This is based on another Talmudic    6   Hamikra Vehamesorah (Jerusalem, 5749),
      and the absence of wine in the praise.   passage  that states that Rami ben     62-64.
      He notes that a more usual pairing in   Yechezkel traveled to Bnei Brak, where   7   Megillah 6a.
      Tanach is  wine (grapes) and figs. His   he saw goats eating under fig trees.   8   Ketubot 111b.
      creative proposal is that devash refers   The fig honey dripped from the trees   Rabbi  Ari Z. Zivotofsky  is a Professor of
      not to date honey but to fig nectar.   while  milk  dripped  from  the  goats,   Neuroscience as well as a tour guide in Ir
      This suggestion is not so farfetched   and the two ingredients mingled.      David
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